‘Hundreds’ of NYT journalists stage walk-out to protest mass layoffs – IOTW Report

‘Hundreds’ of NYT journalists stage walk-out to protest mass layoffs

WaEx: New York Times journalists walked out of their New York-based office en masse Thursday in protest of mass layoffs set to disproportionately target the paper’s copy editors.

The Times is undergoing a round of layoffs to restructure the newsroom’s editing process. The paper is reportedly planning to cut up to 50 of about 100 copy editing positions in an effort to save money and modernize its news production in the digital era.

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31 Comments on ‘Hundreds’ of NYT journalists stage walk-out to protest mass layoffs

  1. I find it hilarious how many Americans actively root for the demise of these media outlets.
    – You don’t see that with any legitimate industry.

  2. Anybody notice?
    Any actual human beings notice?
    I can say (write) with some sincerity that I couldn’t GAF if they all immolated themselves.
    On national TV.
    At 6 PM (interrupting “Tales of Wells Fargo”).

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. They should all be so happy to be fired by a Mexican.

    Somebody at Salon was asking who will clean the toilets, and now we know: Ivy League English Lit Majors.

  4. Copy editors became obsolete years ago. Another job destroyed by Bill Gates and AI.

    I’m sorry for anyone replaced by Softeare, even a NYT “editor”. These individual viduals will likely never find another “prestigious” title again

    News media have gone through 8-10 years of really brutal corporate downsizing.
    Good reporters and good editors fired or pushed out and replaced by younger, dumber, but always cheaper new hires.

    Generational shift as middle aged Liberals were replaced by Millenial SJWs.

    Newsrooms used to be all male, then 50-50, and now they’re 90% female.
    That photo of the Huffpo editors–all female, 23-28— that’s the new norm everywhere.

  5. I hope Carlos is losing his ass on this investment. The jerkoff thought he was going to use the paper to influence americans into excepting more hordes flooding the border.

  6. NYT’s decline reminds me again of Hemingway on going from playboy rich to bankruptcy:
    “It happened slowly at first, too slow to notice, and then suddenly, everywhere, and all at once.”

  7. Working for the NY Times is like working for the North Korean Government. One slip up and your charmed life is over. You’ll be blamed for the Fake News and no one will hire you.
    Still think those Liberals love and care about you?

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