Hunter Used $20K From Daughter’s College Fund For Hookers and Blow – IOTW Report

18 Comments on Hunter Used $20K From Daughter’s College Fund For Hookers and Blow

  1. His daughter got a $20,000 lesson.

    More valuable than anything she could ever learn at Marxist U.

    He offers many such lessons in life for her. This will be one of the forever-learned lessons. Probably not even close to the biggest, though.

  2. I am 100% certain that the reason for the kid gloves treatment of this asshole family is that he wasn’t/isn’t doing anything much different than the majority of Democrats and establishment Republicans weren’t/aren’t aren’t doing. They are jus not as cavalier about it as the Bidens.

    Ask yourself this: Why wasn’t this brought up in 2019/2020? Of course the FBI knew all of this.

  3. What a cancer Biden is on our country. But he’s a cancer because he’s controlled by Obama, who has Biden by the balls because of Biden’s corruption and treason.

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