Hunter’s WhatsApp Message Brags How the Bidens Get Things Done for Their Chinese Masters – IOTW Report

Hunter’s WhatsApp Message Brags How the Bidens Get Things Done for Their Chinese Masters

UK Daily Mail

House Republicans released more WhatsApp messages Tuesday they say were written by Hunter Biden as he worked on a business deal with a Chinese energy company. 

In messages from August 2017, the first son pushed that $10 million needed to be invested annually into the joint venture with CEFC China Energy, and called a $5 million proposal ‘new to me’ and ‘not acceptable, obviously.’ 

The House Oversight Committee’s Twitter account said that Hunter was messaging Gongwen Dong, a CEFC China Energy associate who used the nickname ‘Kevin.’ 

‘I’m tired of this Kevin,’ Hunter said. ‘I can make $5 million in salary from any law firm in America. If you think it’s about money, it’s not. The Biden’s (sic) are the best at doing exactly what Chairman wants from this partnership. Please let’s not quibble over peanuts.’ More

12 Comments on Hunter’s WhatsApp Message Brags How the Bidens Get Things Done for Their Chinese Masters

  1. This is a shit ton of responsibility for a guy who’s attorney just said he was too strung out on drugs to be held responsible for his actions because he didn’t know what he was doing.

    So if I, who am not an attorney, can recognize that immediately, it appears that the douche attorney who knowingly advanced what he knew as horseshit to explain away lying on a 4473…

  2. Anyone know how they got the WhatsApp messages? They’re supposed to be encrypted end to end. The article doesn’t shed any light. As soon as Fakebook bought WhatsApp I figured it was suspect.

  3. So now Congress needs to subpoena all the call records for that number. For the love of the Almighty, how many friggin’ “smoking guns” do we need before we impeach this asshole?


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