Husband drops pro-life activist wife off at prison to serve term for FACE Act violation – IOTW Report

Husband drops pro-life activist wife off at prison to serve term for FACE Act violation

Bevelyn Beatty Williams and her husband are pleading with you to not vote for Kamala Harris.
Vote for Donald Trump.

The husband of pro-life activist Bevelyn Beatty Williams said in a video posted to X Wednesday that the Biden-Harris administration has made him “a single father” after his wife reported to a federal prison in Alabama to begin serving a 41-month sentence for “unlawful assembly” or violating the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act (FACE Act). She was charged with participating in a pro-life protest at a New York City Planned Parenthood abortion clinic in June 2020, Live Action reported.


“I wanted to give you all an important update,” Bevelyn Williams wrote on Tuesday. “My legal team worked tirelessly to submit a stay of appeal so I could be home on bail while appealing this case for the sake of my daughter and husband. Unfortunately, the judge, who also sentenced me, denied the appeal. I have now been assigned a federal facility to report to and must surrender tomorrow at FCI Aliceville.” She could be out on bail after a month in prison if her attorneys are successful, Live Action noted. more

5 Comments on Husband drops pro-life activist wife off at prison to serve term for FACE Act violation

  1. As a Christian, I have to be thankful for anti-abortion efforts and pray for those incarcerated for the cause. But for the overwhelming evil of these pro-abortion morons, I have to say abort every one of your demon possed offspring [God Forgive me for saying so].l

  2. We need to be better than leftist media and not do the same misleading by omission.

    While I vehemently object to the two-tiered justice system that ignores rioters, looters, arsonists, and the rest of those “peaceful protesters” of the BLM Antifa etc. sort, I think it’s still important to recognize that Williams was not merely “protesting” or praying either. AND she knowingly was breaking a specific law.

    She organized the event (she’s organized many); she and her cohorts repeatedly blocked people from entering the clinic; and she pressed her body on a door to close it right on a clinic worker’s hand. She also has a rap sheet of seven prior criminal convictions.

    This is not the equivalent of lobbying to change a law, and it’s not going to win over any “hearts and minds”. In fact, all crap like this does is make it harder and harder for those of us who ARE doing legitimate lobbying to convince the opposition that anti-abortion people will not be irrationally absolutist and intolerant, not even allowing minor exceptions that, take note, the overwhelming majority of the population favor.

    I’m sick of stupid lawless shit that gives “right-wingers” a bad name and gives the left an argument against conservatives.


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