I Guess the Daily Krotch Will Applaud This Lynching – IOTW Report

I Guess the Daily Krotch Will Applaud This Lynching

Right on cue (I love how life works out so that we can continually point and ridicule the left for the dolts they are), and on the heels of this Daily Kos OUTRAGE, a rapper has released a video where he lynches a pre-adolescent white boy.

15 Comments on I Guess the Daily Krotch Will Applaud This Lynching

  1. Oh great. What an azzhole. I guess this means I could make a video of me lynching a young negro and it would be acceptable to the left, blacks and the media. No wonder black amerikans never get ahead. The can’t put down their hate and want to live a life long pity party.

  2. They hate us so much. Personally, I prefer to not be around them and avoid places and situations where they are. But, they want to see us dead. They go out of their way to prey on us. Who’s the real racist here?

  3. So now they’ve moved on to lynchings as their shock meme for social justice.

    I pray the depraved don’t draw inspiration from this and decide to exact what they believe is long over due justice on the innocent, but I expect the worst before the year is out.

  4. Oh, come on! Racism is funny, yo!

    Well, racism against white folkkkes, that is …

    Knock Out, Lootin, Burnin, Robbin, Rapin, Murderin, yo yo yo! All jus fun and games, yo!

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. @really enraged, yep, white people don’t use the box grip, raise the weapon for Lew Alcindor to sight, don’t throw the bullets.
    Imagine the Chitcargo murder rate if Progs could shoot.

  6. Kinda torn here. It’s important for people to see this. Yet for some reason, the video is still monetized. That means the person who is clearly a black-bean-said-in-Spanish-without-the-bean has violated YouTube terms of use and are wholly disinterested in putting a stop to this. It’s sad that the only way to increase awareness to this depravity also lines their pockets.

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