AT: It’s always hard coming out. But it’s even harder not being true to yourself. So, inspired by Bruce Jenner and other intrepid souls, I’ve decided to finally start living the life I was meant to:
I identify as Barack Obama.
Oh, I can hear the cynical statements now. “Duke, your I.Q. is 50 points too high.” “Duke, you can speak fluently without a Teleprompter.” “Duke, you know there aren’t 60 states and can pronounce “corpsman.” “Duke, you’re melanin compromised.” All these things are inconsequential details, the stuff of tiresome prigs — sort of like genitalia on a man. more
This is nothing new.
Barry Soetoro did it years ago.
Obama or a piece of poop…..same thing
This piece cuts the dick and balls right off the liberal gender argument.
I’d rather identify as Nelson Rockefeller and die a multimillionaire, naked, on top of my mistress….70 plus years old….
Sorry, Duke… still doesn’t make you ‘My Nigga’.
Take what you will from a walk through the weeds of the so-called transgender movement in this country, then file it under “Distract, Divide and Destroy”.
Don’t fergit to take a shower afterwards.
The single intent of this Arrogant, Feculent, Two-Bit, Gay-Obsessed Communist Organizer is to weaken America anyway possible and one of his many tricks is to pick at every conceivable scab he can find until it bleeds! The man truly is a piece of shit.
TRF, that is exactly why so many are upset that Trump has come out in support of it.
Monty Python had the ultimate comment on the whole transgender thing years ago:
Two can play this game, Bub.
From now on I will pointedly “identify” as a presidential assassin.
Why should a loser like Lee Harvey Oswald get all the glory?
Identifying as BO picks a really low standard. It’s nothing to brag about.
However, it fits his legacy in the WH. He’s fubared everything he’s touched. Then followed up with a victory dance.
Maybe he can come out as the fairy he is, screw that up too, for the rest of them, and the rest of us will be better off. Nah, it will never happen. He won’t risk doing something right and ruin his reputation as a total complete screwup.
Hey. I just identified as Obammie the commie. Now can I ride around the world on AF-1? Sit in the Oval Office with my feet on the desk and have the Press cover for me? Can I receive billions from America’s enemies and have the MSM gloss over it? Can I be seen in public with a mean, nasty, hateful, ugly bitch and have the Press tell all the gullible fools how lovely she is? Can I do an absolutely shitty job of ruining the country and have Hollywood glamorize me? Can I golf my life away as our country is falling apart and count on the media to tell everyone it’s alright? Can I use tax payer’s money to pay off my supporters and blame it on Bush when they go bankrupt? Can I receive hundreds of millions from queers, Castros, crazies, clueless, crooks, kooks, corruptocrats, kinkies, and commies and rely on the MSM to come up with a defense?
I identify as a very wealthy dotcom retiree living on Maui. Its doesn’t fly at the grocery store.
I identify as the Boston Symphony Orchestra.
Deal with it.
Hey Barry!
I identify as a Vuvuzela.
Blow me!
I identify as well adjusted
@Lazlo, you mean you are an endangered species?
I identify as a homicidal maniac and serial killer of liberals.