I think we all know what this guy’s handicap is – IOTW Report

I think we all know what this guy’s handicap is


41 Comments on I think we all know what this guy’s handicap is

  1. Cue the Ken-L Ration dog food commercial tune from a few years back:

    “My truck’s bigger than your truck, my truck’s bigger than yours…”

    Brain squirming like a toad is another refrain that comes to mind when I think of that mentality.

  2. I’m sick of this ‘handicapped’ tag shit. Few months ago I’m behind a ton and a half flat bed loaded with concrete finishing tools.

    Handicapped permanent Georgia tag.

    What did the fucker have, hangnails?

  3. For years, it was best to focus on how much worse others had it. Would rather walk an extra hundred feet than ask for a permit. Besides, I didn’t want anyone to think I was a perfectly healthy young black person with a forged or stolen permit.

  4. Having those too high headlights blinding me gets me red hot,
    but I really have to fight the urge to BUST OUT THOSE BLACKED OUT WINDOWS WITH A TIRE IRON.

    I swear if I were a cop, I’d be busting out windows daily.

    Isn’t that against the law ?!
    (all windows blacked out–obscuring the driver)

  5. I’m tired of the handicap parking spaces.

    Two days ago I got into a hell of a fight with an old lady at the grocery store. She had a handicap plaque hanging on her rear view mirror and she had the nerve to park in one of OUR spaces.

  6. That isn’t my truck, but there are FAR too many handicap slots in most parking lots. Typically most of them are going to waste…. and in California, the rest of the lot is packed. So, I can imagine someone pulling cash from an ATM, or something similar, using one of them. I think it’s a $250 fine. If I see someone rolling the dice…. well, it’s their wallet. There are usually 3 or 4 other Handi slots to choose from.

  7. You’re right BB.
    Anyone who would buy a vehicle from a manufacturer that refused taxpayer money is probably a Cruz supporter and not too bright.
    GM and Chrysler are what all us smart Trump supporters buy!
    Bernie, opps!
    Trump 2016!

  8. JohnS
    Always the idiot. Ford chassis are awesome. Ford drive trains SUCK. I own a GMC, maybe my last because of the bail out. Ford Dodge and Tochota four wheel drive vehicles are still 2 wheel drive. Front right rear left. GMC are Posi Rear and Torque sensing front. Doubt me? Put a floor Jack under the rear diff of any of the for mentioned and try and drive off. Now try it with a GM product. Ford diesels just suck. Dodge diesels are blowing trani’s right and left. After all that jibber jabber I won’t buy another GM product because of the bail out. But it’s going to cost me a lot more money setting up a bullet proof truck. I’m sure you face the same problem in fucking OAKLAND.

  9. Yeah, well, I got a 95′ Ford power stroke,7.3 liter with 245K miles and it will still growse all the other manufacturers into the dirt….bring the chain and we’ll pull….dana 90’s front and back, it’s basically a ton and a half on a three quarters chassis….fully stock….sorry, but my testosterone kicked in and killed my thought patterns for awhile…Have you any new recipes?…

  10. Willy, Actually that’s a good truck. I had one too and am kicking myself for getting rid of it. Ford trucks went on self distructo in 98. However their trani’s have always been weak shit.

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