‘I was elected to represent the citizens of Pittsburgh, not Paris’: Trump to pull out of Paris climate agreement – IOTW Report

‘I was elected to represent the citizens of Pittsburgh, not Paris’: Trump to pull out of Paris climate agreement

Post Gazette-

WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump said Thursday he was withdrawing the U.S. from the Paris climate agreement, striking a major blow to worldwide efforts to combat climate change and distancing the country from many allies abroad. He said the U.S. would try to negotiate re-entry on better terms.

“As of today, the United States will cease all implementation of the nonbinding Paris accord,” Trump said during a White House Rose Garden announcement. Suggesting renegotiating re-entry was not a major priority, he said, “If we can, great. If we can’t, that’s fine.”

By abandoning the world’s chief effort to slow the tide of planetary warming, Trump was fulfilling a top campaign pledge. But he was also breaking from many of America’s staunches allies, who have expressed alarm about the decision.


HT/ annie

97 Comments on ‘I was elected to represent the citizens of Pittsburgh, not Paris’: Trump to pull out of Paris climate agreement

  1. Yay!

    Poor melting snowflakes are vaporizing in front of our eyes.

    Hey libtards, this is what loss of oppressive control looks like. Unfortunately, you’re too stupid to realize that Trump is trying to help you.

    Now fuckoff back to your latte’s and your mommy’s basement.

  2. Concentrate upon doubling the effort to slow the tide of planetary cancer, islam. Oops, France, Germany, not so Great Britain, Sweden and other EU One Worlders already pulled out of that effort.

  3. What a great day! Thank-you President Trump for looking out for the citizens. You will take a lot of heat but it was a huge scam and I will continue to pray for you every day.

  4. There’s a huge difference between taking good care of the earth God gave us, and climate ‘change’. I believe that President Trump understands this.

  5. The D Mayor of Pittsburgh has already tweeted the city will still work on reducing green house gas, support the Paris Accord.

    The major implication of his announcement is that he will never get reelected.

  6. Just wait until Zer0 starts flapping his blue gums and stirs up his climate crowd. He did after all negotiate and agree to it from the beginning. However, I think Trump did a fabulous job at mitigating this by hammering home the economic impact and the fact that others in the agreement can still expand industry that becomes taboo for us.

  7. “There’s a huge difference between taking good care of the earth God gave us, and climate ‘change’.”

    If you listen to DJT’s speech you quickly realize this agreement had nothing to do with the ecology or climate control. One aspect was the U.S. was not allowed to open any new Clean Coal plants. But everyone else that signed the agreement could. This was more wealth redistribution by Barry the Fairy. Done by Executive Fiat no less.

  8. As I recall this nonsense goes back to the Kyoto protocols in the early 90s. Based on delusional, half-baked fearmongering and flawed climate models, and required developed countries in effect to pay to clean up gross polluters in the third world.
    Can’t remember if the scare tactic at that time was impending ice age or eternal summer…

  9. Don’t you just loves how he goes ahead and just keeps plugging away at correcting our ills while the media and the two-year olds who do Soros’ work keep crying and stomping their feet.

    I love this man. God bless you President Donald J. Trump.

  10. The filthy half black Mau-Mau Kenyon was giving America away to the rest of the world on the installment plan. The USA went over to Europe twice and expended precious American blood and treasure for those simpcratic assholes and they thanked up by trying to cripple and subjugate us economically!

  11. “But he was also breaking from many of America’s staunches allies, who have expressed alarm about the decision.”
    With allies like those who needs enemies? We don’t need them, they need the U.S.

  12. America and, as a result, the world just dodged a massive bullet.
    The rational citizens of this country woke up in 2009 and, in multiple elections, put the brakes on the destruction of our republic. Trump saw the monumental shifts in 2010, 2012 and 2014 and realized his contribution as executive could break the back of the globalist cabal.
    God bless him!

  13. These fools either actually believe that governments can manipulate the climate to its liking or they’re attempting the biggest con ever attempted. Fools all, no matter. The sheeple will follow right off the cliff.

  14. if the countries of the world and all the huge corporations are so worried about climate change then why don’t the put ALL of their wealth and means into solving it! All humans could go back to living in caves and not use any earthy minerals or
    products! Back to the simplistic and primitive 13th century where some countries and the Muslims still live!

  15. Man made climate change is pure bullshit designed to make money for the shitpickles at the top, and the Paris agreement was designed by head shitpickle Obama to stab the U.S. in the back.

    Well done DJT, keep up the good work.

  16. The Beta Male leaders of Europe up in arms right now! Hey boys, just accept the way things are with Trump as POTUS. Just like you tell your citizens to accept the way things are with terrorist attacks and mass rape by the refugees in your countries. Suck on it.

  17. This news prompted me to jump over to National Review for the first time in ages. And it’s STILL over run with leftists. Going to a “facebook” format doomed them forever to the anal regions of the political spectrum.

    Bill Buckley Jr. would literally be spinning in his grave.

  18. its not a treaty unless approved by congress. Let congress vote on it so we can see the real traitors.
    Embassy not moving TO JERUSALEM bad move Trump!!!
    Refugees up 19% in May not good but you will never see these stories on the IOTWReport. I think Bad Brad has BFH scared of his guns.
    Has the congress sent the health Care bill to the senate no negative stories but Ted Cruz is a cheater and a Canadian what bullshit hold everyone accountable democrat and Rhino!!!

  19. I wonder if he’s referring to the 21 inch guns that hang off my shoulders?
    I don’t think there’s much that would “Scare” FUR about his content. Interesting irrelevant post though. Obviously what Trump did today is not a positive in your mind. And it’s also obvious that congress not sending the health care bill to the senate is Trumps fault.
    You need to add “Bitter Little Man” to your title there slick.

  20. This is 2X, 3X, 4X awesome. obozo is crying like somebody peed in his Cheerios. His crowning achievement, some stupid pie-in-the-sky useless non-binding treaty on climate change (along w obozocare, which also is hitting the dustbin of history), wiped out in one fell swoop by Donald the Terminator. The whole climate alarmist BS junk science gravy train pulled into the station and was out of gas on Nov 8, 2016, it’s just taking the climate zombies a long time to come to grips with this.

  21. Brad the most hated Dbag on the IOTWreport. Refugees up 19 % not Trumps fault? Not moving embassy to Jerusalem not Trumps fault?
    Obama signed this knowing it wasn’t a treaty. Brad read the constitution.
    Or I can read it to you. All treaties must be voted on by both houses of congress. Bad Brad and his tiny guns. Wish we could meet up some day. lol

  22. JTucker
    The stupidest dirt bag on IOTW.

    “Obama signed this knowing it wasn’t a treaty.” Who give a shit. What did Obama do that was constitutional. Bottom line is we, as a country were acting as if it were binding. Trump put an end to that today.

    A lot of you Cruz fanatics share one thing in common. You have no skin in the game. You’re a retired Government employee. If the economy goes to shit, you still get yours. Some of us are not that lucky. The accomplishments I’m looking for out of Trump are, The Supreme Court, The Economy, and the Wall. In that order. So far he’s doing pretty good. In fact I’d give him an A plus. Now go polish that little girly pistol you carry.

  23. Brad I changed my title.
    Why the stop in articles blaming the Freedom Caucus for health care reform????????????????????????????????????????????????

  24. Although the Paris Climate Scam has nothing to do with “climate change” whatever that means, I agree Trump understands the symbiotic relationship between the growth of economies=improved education=higher paying jobs=improved health=happier society=responsible stewardship of the environment. He also understands the driving forces of economic growth is the backbone of the American worker, the engine if you will.

    Merkel, Macron, Trudeau et al are trembling. It’s just a matter of time before the natives realize the coffers of “other peoples money”, e.g. America, is empty.
    They’ll have to find another source to fund the refugees social welfare programs. I predict exile safe havens are being sought at this very moment.

  25. JTucker, seriously? whatever you missed was either covered at the Bullpen or was inside of another story on the front pages. If you think Fur or anybody else here won’t cover ‘certain’ stories because of Brad or because Trump, you are high.
    You’re welcome to stay here and comment but if the stories or the commenters opinions aren’t to your liking, go spread your sunshine elsewhere. Have a nice day.

  26. MJA spread this! No stories on boarder patrol saying nothing has changed.
    CStevenTucker blamed the freedom caucus for healthcare not moving forward just to find out Paul Ryan never sent it to the senate. Backing away from moving the Embassy to Jerusalem not one story. you provide the IOTWReport stories and I will back off. He just a man and our President
    I guess we shouldn’t call him out when promises are broke???
    Go to your safe space with your glass slippers. Brad I work for a billion dollar company not the government. you are such a tool.
    Hard guy behind the keyboard I use my real name and real town. come and find me you 70 year piece of bad skin.


    Anybody has a problem with what’s being presented, what’s being said, the pictures that are up on the wall, the drinks we serve, the desserts we offer, whatever… start your own fucking blog and go piss and moan over there. THANK YOU.

  28. JTucker- You are obsessed in a bad way with with Brad and Trump. And clearly you don’t read this blog entirely and are only here to complain. I’m not interested in your suggestions. calm the fuck down.

  29. BTW- I already posted the whole Jerusalem thing about 2 weeks ago when Trump said he wasn’t going to move it because the palestinians were going to freak out and he was trying to get them to play nice with Israel right now. Why would I post it again?

  30. MJA thanks for addressing the issues NOT! you piss off. Don’t we want both sides the good and bad of Trump so we can call him out on it?
    Guess not go to your safe space and burn some books.
    This site is really becoming a bunch of pajama boys and trans!

  31. Brad, it’s your aftershave. You may need to thin it out with some distilled water.

    ANYWAY, Yipee! On the whole Paris- climate bullshit thing. I wonder if Gov. Moonbeam is recovering on his fainting couch. LOL

  32. Real men don’t use aftershave! Keep it coming. I don’t have a problem with Trump but I want the entire story or I might as well go to a network. I know its Ted Cruz’s fault he killed Kennedy.

  33. ” I wonder if Gov. Moonbeam is recovering on his fainting couch”

    You know the thing about Moonbeam is a lot of people underestimate him. He’s as devious as the day is long and plays as dirty as he needs to to win. He’s been caught many times but the Liberal Media, especially in California won’t touch him. But he has an agenda and it’s Socialist in nature.

  34. MJA you sound like Hillary now. Lets blame everyone.
    Is it too much to ask for both sides of the story? I guess it is.
    What’s it cost to start a blog copying other people works. Not much.
    Moonbattery much better site and intellectual frog legs & Theo sparks!
    nothing new here except the amount of cool aid.

  35. Plain Jane all I’m asking for is both sides of the story. If you don’t like I don’t care. I’ve posted on this website for years.
    Plain Jane and Bad Brad I get it your the perfect match.

  36. Old Hag no one is disagreeing with my arguments just name calling.
    Sounds like antifa to me.. Rhinos at best. daned blog???same amount of hours in a day to post the positive and negative of politician promises.

  37. It isn’t an accord, it is a treaty. Narratives were played, but that didn’t work either.
    I’m glad it has been binned. It would have very little, if any, effect on climate. And others could do what we could not, while the US was to be required to pay for others. Most 3rd world countries that would receive our payments would have their dictators, or other forms of government, confiscate the money and use it to suppress the people who otherwise could (should) over throw them. Nothing but globalism and beating down of our great country.

  38. brad is angry man. go eat your swanson dinner by yourself. very sad.
    still haven’t given me your real name and address? we in the south call that chicken shit.

  39. I think Trump (very publicly) turning the U.S. away from the sham scam of the century is going to have a really YUGE effect on the globalist fortune hunters than at first glance. The whole Algore CCX thingy was supposed to make instant trillionaires out of a select few and now all hope of that has been flushed down the toilet. So-called “climate change” was simply another term for instituting all the carbon credit junk and to charge the U.S. for all the ecological disasters in places like China and India. Someone (someones) here has it right; it was just a big wealth redistribution scheme with the Algores of the world acting as the middle men waiting for the pallets of cash-ola. And to answer an earlier thread’s question: “How did the obamas get so much money?” Well, it’s the same way the clintons did. Why give a cut to K Street when you can DIY?

    In my wildest hopes, Trump and Sessions will expose this stuff and the people involved over the next 7 1/2 years.

  40. Just checked Drudge, no riots yet. What are they waiting for?

    He slapped the Pope across the face and destroyed the whole world. At least the Knights of Columbus should start something.

  41. Abigail good post!
    if its a treaty according to the constitution congress needs to vote on it not just because Obama had a phone and a pen. Let the worms in congress vote on it. see the true traitors. Boom

  42. The United States has a pretty good record over the past 30 or 40 years of cleaning up its environment. Communist/socialist nations – not so much. The Paris Accords didn’t seem to “fix” global warming, or climate change, or whatever the term de jour is, but was instead just a massive transfer of wealth from the U.S. to other nations.

    During his campaign, Trump promised to put the interests of the United States first. It’s good to see a President finally do this.

  43. still waiting on those cutting edge articles about health care reform
    crickets…….. Paul Ryan hasn’t sent it to the senate.

  44. @wyatt-
    “The United States has a pretty good record over the past 30 or 40 years of cleaning up its environment. Communist/socialist nations – not so much.”

    China has ruined their water resources.

    If someone was sincere about climate and the environment, then should grab a mop and head to Fukushima. Now.

  45. BOOM!

    I remember this clown from the Primaries. But he wasn’t going by JTucker back then. But the idiot posted BOOM every time his little mind thought he made a legitimate point. Man he got his ass kicked hard by a couple of us. I guess he decided to lurk around and try and extract some revenge. JTucker Brad a Pussy, what was your name back then?

  46. @jtusker/alinsky’s pussy:
    “still waiting on those cutting edge articles about health care reform
    crickets…….. Paul Ryan hasn’t sent it to the senate.”

    What do you think this is? a library? Oh, that’s right, you’re probably in a library right now. Ask the lady with the glasses, the one behind the desk, to help you.

  47. You know what is really telling about this, is that everybody is pissed off except productive, US taxpayers. Those of us that are in the private sector, especially small business owners, and skilled trades that are looking for real jobs are happy as hell! Oh no, students, government workers, foreigners, the media, elites, are all pissed off! Good, I couldn’t be happier!

  48. @ Zonga
    Doubt the regular members of the K of C will dislike or even complain. The ones I know are Trump voters. 🙂 Maybe their hierarchy will object, but not the everyday man.

  49. Brad, JTucker still hasn’t figured out that he isn’t very popular on this site. He’s a legend in his own mind. If you ever do meet him, I’m going to sell tickets to the event, I expect you will beat Mike Tyson’s shortest knock out time.

  50. 70,000 this year versus Obamas 85,0000
    yes BFH big win thanks for the facts. yikes.
    Jonestown anyone???>>>

    Listen, dum-dum.
    You said Trump has increased the amount of refugees by 19%. From what measure? The previous month?

    The 70,000 this year is not because of Trump.
    That was policy leftover from Obama.
    The “doubling” people are carping about is for the past 2 months. This is DC accounting for when they want to paint an issue the way they want to paint it.
    Trump has NOT INCREASED the amount of refugees entering the U.S.

    Either you enjoy having the article painted this way or you’re an idiot.
    Which is it?

    Trump tried to halt all Muslim refugees from war torn countries as well as countries deemed sponsors of terrorism.
    He was blocked.
    So Trump slashed the budget for the department responsible for placing refugees.
    They say they won’t have nearly enough money to do what they want to do.

    So, WTF is your problem?

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