ICE Is Using Its Deportation Flights To Bring Home Americans Stuck Abroad – IOTW Report

ICE Is Using Its Deportation Flights To Bring Home Americans Stuck Abroad

Daily Caller – ICE Air Operations, the air transportation arm of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), has so far rescued 466 U.S. citizens stranded in the Northern Triangle region of Central America amid the coronavirus pandemic.

Following orders of final removal, ICE deported Salvadoran and Honduran nationals back to their home countries on Friday. On the return leg of these flights, the agency took aboard U.S. citizens who were stranded due to COVID-19 lockdowns, according to an ICE press release. [snip]

The facilitation of these returns comes as airline companies around the world have cancelled flights and governments are declaring nationwide lockdown orders.

Read it here.

I sure hope they are being quarantined properly.

6 Comments on ICE Is Using Its Deportation Flights To Bring Home Americans Stuck Abroad

  1. It’s… interesting… how… some people… try to conflate “American” with “United States’ citizen”. (Just like these… exact… same… people… try to conflate United States “resident” with United States “citizen”.)

    Now… show of hands…

    How many of you think “Americans” were “stranded” in “the Northern Triangle region of Central America”?

    How many of you think people with United States’ travel papers were “stranded” in “the Northern Triangle region of Central America”? (With work to be done. That Americans… just… won’t… do.)

  2. I was able to get back on one of the last commercial flights from Argentina on 3/16 and walked into a completely empty Miami customs and there were no tests or anyone else there to anything but let us through and scan our passports. No one said quarantine even though we did on our own. And there were a lot of us that almost didn’t make it out, many of us were on or headed to cruises that had been planned for years to Antarctica or other places and had no idea this was coming to ahead. I get it is easy to sit here in the US and criticize people that were away internationally but it wasn’t an issue until 3/13 or 3/14 when international US flights pulled out and boarders across the world started closing. And everyone that found out had less than 48 hours to get home. It turned a bucket list vacation into a what to do in a global pandemic when you have 36 hours to get home or face spending an unknown amount of time in a foreign country under mandatory quarantine. I’m glad we aren’t leaving US Citizens stranded – the issue is no one even knows when commercial air will be operational let alone when restrictions will lift. And many people are paying for gov organized charter flights as if they are buying commercial tickets.


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