Icons Of Yesteryear With Their Current Faces – IOTW Report

Icons Of Yesteryear With Their Current Faces

fonzie david-cassidy ginger


41 Comments on Icons Of Yesteryear With Their Current Faces

  1. just saw that elector vote video with a parade of hasbeens, including loretta Hot Lips Hooligan switt. Gravity has not been kind. She should have worn a mask or skipped the video entirely.

  2. How bout Ted Kennedy?
    I know he’s dead – but that pickled fat fuck STILL hasn’t start to rot.
    His Blood Alcohol Index is still greater than the worst drunk caught on the road over the Thanksgiving Weekend.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. some people just get ugly by getting older but why do women do it on purpose? Botox-face lifts-breast implants-what’s that saying-beauty is only skin deep but ugly goes all the way to the bone– there used to be a comic on television called the unknown comic (I think) that wore a paper bag as his routine-these ladies should follow his example. 🙂 be happy with what you got..

  4. I don’t know honestly which is worse, the parade of Botox queens, leading off with NannyFran Pelosi, or the photos of the WalMart queens in full regalia. Either set is enough to make you swear off sex and crawl into a hole for the remainder of your life.

  5. Guys, you all need to look in the mirror. Many of you were not all that good looking when you were young, much less now. Lots of women age taking care of very elderly parents and sick, tired
    Husbands, at the same time, holding a demanding full time job. Get a life with some perspective.

  6. Katdog,
    I think the point that BFH is making is that at a certain age, all the cosmetic surgery in the world isn’t working and you end up looking more freakish than if you let the body age naturally.
    Case in point…Fonzie doesn’t look bad at all.
    Also, Sophia Loren was gorgeous in her later years BEFORE she butchered her face with botox and God knows what else.

  7. Katdog,
    I looked in a mirror … about 30 years ago … not bad … not bad.
    Not good, but not too bad, either.

    What’s your point? I’m not making stupid PSAs trying to overturn an election.

    izlamo delenda est …

  8. Part of the issue is that Hollywood is built upon outward appearance. They toss women aside when they don’t look young anymore. Men tend to carry the way they look into old age. Women don’t.

    Look at the Fonze. If you showed me a current picture of him I could tell you he was Henry Winkler. No problem.

    Show me a picture of Ginger as she appears now and I couldn’t tell you who she was.

    Unfair? Double standard? True?

  9. I guess I’m reflecting from my Air Force days when my male co-workers would deliberately bark at less than attractive females. I worked on the flightline on aircraft. I hate the surgery women do to themselves and end up looking like freaks. But these women can’t accept looking their age. You guys making ugly comments about women doesn’t help, but contributes to the problem. FYI, I’m not a troll, a liberal and certainly never supported HRC. I pray that Trump turns out as a GREAT president. I did not miss the point that men age like fine wine. BS, I can’t get my husband to bathe even with the offer to shampoo, bathe and shave him.

  10. I was given a bottle of fine wine once.
    I placed it in my pantry waiting for a special occasion to open and enjoy the moment.
    It had turned to vinegar.
    I no longer wait for a special occasion for anything.
    Enjoy how you look, what you have and who you are, now.

  11. Serious Putty – Yes, Maryann (Dawn Wells) has held up FAR better than Ginger has. Older, definitely, but still a real babe after all these years. Check her out on Facebook. I’ve lusted for her FOREVER!!!!

  12. Gosh. David Cassidy kinda resembles a shaved Richard Branson. Which is to say, not fugly.

    And screw “holding up.” Mary Ann has ALWAYS been superior to Ginger, using any measuring stick other than how ginger or tall she was. Mary Ann would check ALL the boxes and even help splitting coconuts afterward.

  13. MaryAnn- an attractive, petite brunette with big eyes; approachable, and neither overblown, troubled or “gidgetey”.
    Works for me. Ain’t none of us getting any younger.

    And then there’s Keith Richards…

  14. Who’s #2? Paul Williams?

    And the Fonze. lol. Will never forget the time I shook his hand and got brake dust and axle grease all over it. He won’t either. haa haa ha!

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