ICYMI: Yeb Bush was a director of foundation that funneled money to Planned Parenthood – IOTW Report

ICYMI: Yeb Bush was a director of foundation that funneled money to Planned Parenthood

“Pro-Life” Jeb! Bush Was a Director of a Foundation that Funneled Millions to Planned Parenthood

jeb bush dem

Wizbang- Jeb Bush likes to focus on what a pro-life guy he is. He talks about his record as a pro-life governor of Florida. That mask got shattered this week.

In 2010 Jeb Bush accepted a position as a Director of the Bloomberg Family Foundation, former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s foundation. Bush said he took the job because of Bloomberg’s support for education.

In my book that’s a lot like supporting the Nazi party because they brought full employment to Germany.

Bloomberg and his foundation support “education” in the form of Common Core, but they also support destroying the 2nd Amendment and they are ardent supporters of Planned Parenthood. Or, as they’ve come to be rightly known, Planned Murderhood .  MORE

h/t ProofPositive.

9 Comments on ICYMI: Yeb Bush was a director of foundation that funneled money to Planned Parenthood

  1. Well. That didn’t work at all.

    Maybe this.


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