Idea For the 16 Democrat AGs Beginning Inquisition Against ‘Climate Change Disbelievers’ – IOTW Report

Idea For the 16 Democrat AGs Beginning Inquisition Against ‘Climate Change Disbelievers’

From Reader HRW-

What if the oil companies refused to sell gas or oil to any of the 16 states where the Attorney Generals plan on prosecuting (extorting) them if they’ve done anything to further climate change skepticism?

Even if they would just threaten to hold their products back for a week or two it would scare the bejeebers out of those pieces of fascistic filth

16 Democrat AGs Begin Inquisition Against ‘Climate Change Disbelievers’

18 Comments on Idea For the 16 Democrat AGs Beginning Inquisition Against ‘Climate Change Disbelievers’

  1. “………..Even if they would just threaten to hold their products back for a week or two it would scare the bejeebers out of those pieces of fascistic filth.”

    This is a variation on my coal idea, which was to just stop production of electricity to every state outright. Go instantly dark. No light; no refrigeration; No cellphones; No gasoline; no food……nothing.

    The greentarded left would turn into conservatives overnight.

    I figure, if Obama wants death by the slow and deliberate strangulation and impoverishment of the citizenry, then a figurative gun into the mouth of the citizenry would obviously have a more expeditious effect……..right Mr. President?

  2. I see Al Gore in that picture. I wonder whether this was his idea. This was the prick that started this fraud in order to line his pockets and maybe as this scheme is starting to unravel (slowly, to be sure) this is just a way to stop the light shining on his criminal activities.
    I can’t see stopping shipping of product to the states in question as they would just throw an injunction on the power suppliers however an immediate filing by the energy companies for an injunction forbidding the AG’s from any further action on this obviously fascist move and buying some ad time in the states in question might work. Especially as this is around election time.

  3. What law is broken? We truly are under royal-wannabe tyrant rule, if anyone allows this to happen. The patriot act has stolen our rights and until it hits you or your family or friends, we sheepishly go to slaughter.

    We have given government the power to arrest us, hold us without charge, counsel, even a phone call, for as long as they want. ‘Not me’, you say, why not? You are suspected of whatever they want, and guilty, until they let you go, if they choose. In the meantime, your life as you knew it is gone.

    Allowing prosecution of dissenters of climate control advocates, is against what law?

  4. ” if Obama wants death by the slow and deliberate strangulation and impoverishment of the citizenry, ”
    Dude, I figured he got started early with his cutesy little alcove of pResnit training

  5. Bring it.
    Shut it all down.
    These liberal pukes better watch it or the people living in the future ice age are going to invent time travel and come back and kick some pansy liberal ass.

  6. Wonder if any of those rocket scientologists have ever heard of the First Amendment? Good idea to cut off all oil products to their states. Then have doctors go on strike until Ocommie care is repealed. Then put No Gun Zone signs on liberals houses. See how long it takes for those retards to wise up.

  7. Since man made climate change was created by man it certainly exists. It does not, however, involve the climate.

    Man actually changing the climate of Earth – No.
    Man believing a man made idea of man changing climate – Sure, I’ll go with that.
    Actual scientific proof of man actually changing the climate – Doesn’t exist anywhere.

  8. Absolutely this idea should be implemented!
    Note that NONE of these 16 sanctimonious states PRODUCES energy. They will find it impossible to do anything without what they bitch about.

    And when their constituents start to feel the HORRIFIC economic PAIN, and they will,
    just make sure to clarify that Al Gore is at fault, and
    that ALL the global warming hyperbole in the world won’t make an .002ºC change in the climate.

  9. It’s all doom and gloom with these assholes. They’ve apparently never heard of yin and yang. How can they legally put an artificial price on carbon offsets, when they have no clue how much warming is attributed to 100 ppm CO2? Is it all negative? What [arbitrary] mathematical formula are they using to make this determination? What am I getting for a ROI if I am forced to pay thousands more per year, other than being more poor and having my hardship increased? Hmm??

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