If Biden is Inaugurated – IOTW Report

If Biden is Inaugurated

The ‘Not My President’ Crowd Needs To Sit Down And Shut Up

The Federalist –

The leftist media is furious again, this time because Donald Trump is refusing to accept the results of the 2020 election. Norms! They scream. We need a peaceful transfer of power, an acceptance of the results, they say. Um, wait. Aren’t these the same people who cheered p-ssy hats and the chants of “not my president?” Those of us on the right didn’t forget about all of that.

These people said Trump was “not my president” so often that their vocal cords have sense memory of it. They gave Trump absolutely no chance. But now I’m supposed to embrace Joe Biden for the sake of the country? Why don’t you go — I’m sure you can fill in the blank here.

I think the left needs to understand where the right is in the boldest terms possible. And, after all, I am the New York correspondent. So let me put it plainly. You want me to accept the legitimacy of a Biden presidency? You want me to be the bigger man? You want me to forget that you said Trump was not your president? You want me to pretend you ever gave the slightest concern about norms and transfers of power and whatever?

I have one thing to say to you: Jerk yourself around.


18 Comments on If Biden is Inaugurated

  1. They don’t care what anyone else thinks. That is the difference, they use violence, threats, coercion and blackmail to get their way and we play by the ‘rules’. That is why no court / judge wants to deal with the Trump team lawsuits and most republicans are silently hoping to move on. Socialism comes to a society by force and fraud – they aren’t going to lose another election if this stands.

  2. In 31 BC, Augustus won the battle of Actium, and became emperor in all but name. That was when the Roman Republic dies and the Roman Empire was born.
    If Biden becomes the President (god forbid), the American Experiment will be over. The USA will no longer be a republic with democratically elected leaders; it will become something else. Voting will never again mean anything.

  3. My neighborhood is lousy with Democrat voters. They are well aware that the Democrats were at the very least up to no good. We had pretty decent weather over the weekend and most everyone was out. Despite the Twitter and Facebook warnings they are not buying the Democrat Party line lock, stock and barrel.

  4. If ALL politicians don’t step up right NOW to salvage the legitimacy of our government,
    they should all be stepped on as we move on to the next version of this country.

    And no, they won’t have any lush Media jobs to fall back on, the media will be burned to the ground.

  5. Stealing the election was the plan all along and there was advance knowledge and collusion with the media. There was reason or logic to come out in advance of the election to suggest that Trump wouldn’t leave, unless the plan was known.

    The excuse, “Orange man is a dictator, that’s why we said that,” is so far from realistic. In reality, Trump is no more than the head of one of three branches of government, a far cry from dictator.

  6. May be it is time to consider splitting into 2 countries or at least 2 “Associations of States” as see that certain areas will never be able to have a “common” vision or idea of rights and wrongs for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

    For example I find it hard to really care about the foolishness required to live in Seattle or California or New York or Maine of Chicago, etc. These cities and peoples (for the most part) are dead to me and vice versa. Why should my tax dollars help them recover or perpetuate defunding police or pushing abortion or promoting faggot love?

    Cut them off and move on I say – let Pelosi. Schumer, Abrahams, Schiff have their own country.

  7. Hey David Marcus…. take your “New Republican Party” and shove it up your ass!!

    It’s you coward republicans that have got us in this mess in the first place. If he’s not re-elected I hope Mr. Trump runs again and starts a new political party. The two we have now both suck! The ‘New’ republican party never backed Trump… but for a few exceptions. Come to think of it… they ain’t no different than the old demorat party.

    Screw you and you’re ‘new’ republican party.


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