Ill timed “brake failure” – IOTW Report

Ill timed “brake failure”

2 women say the vehicle they were driving had the brakes fail and they emerge out of the woods at the precise moment Donald Trump’s motorcade is driving by. What are the odds?

(The uploaders title for the video may or may not be the case. The investigators seem to have believed the brake failure story.)

20 Comments on Ill timed “brake failure”

  1. I don’t know. If you look at the video again, it appears she turned the wheel just as the what looks like The Beast is passing. That’s when she hits the drainage ditch. Was she trying to “track” to his car? Weird. She did pull immediately to the curb. With all the police at various intervals you’d think they would have had someone posted at an obvious entrance to that road.

  2. I know the bear craps in the woods but what was SHE doing with her car in a place where a car would not normally be? But as Bad_Brad said, look for the Obama or I’m with Hillary sticker.

  3. The anti-Trump (which is really anti-your vote counting) derangement is very high out there, and has to stop. Use RICO laws to go after Antifa, and arrest and prosecute any demonstrators (rioters) covering their faces. This is no joke – and left unchecked, these scum bags are eroding the rights of the rest of us.

    Don’t we have an Attorney General?
    What’s his name?
    I can’t seem to remember.

  4. If they were carrying weapons or explosives in the car, I might think they were up to something. Can you imagine what would be left of their car if they attempted to ram “The Beast”? They’d have better luck running a Sherman Tank off the road with a skateboard.

  5. Ok, maybe these two were just Thelma and Louise, two silly hens who can’t drive.

    But this exposes serious failures in SS protection.
    If these two amateurs can get that close to POTUS, so could any suicide team with a vehicle full of explosives.

  6. What’s their names? I looked and looked and no names mentioned. BTW, I don’t think it was a fluke, I think it was intentional. They aren’t right bright to think they could ram a car built like an army tank and live to tell about it. I want to know who they are.

  7. @Boehnerdict Ryan Arnold- “go after Antifa, and arrest and prosecute any demonstrators (rioters) covering their faces. This is no joke – and left unchecked, these scum bags are eroding the rights of the rest of us.”

    SOMEONE, please, tell me what the difference is between the antifa and the black masked and clothed ISLAMIC terrorists. They both terrorize, destroy, and use violence. And probably, both are financed by Soros.

    Anyone? For all our government or we the people know, they are compromised of the same people. THUGS.

  8. Having had some training in dignitary protection s a federal agent, the protection detail not detecting the car in the woods was a major fail! This is not the Secret Service that I knew and trained with 45 years ago.

  9. Not enough info for me to be certain of anything more than what I saw.

    I noticed every driveway was cordoned off with a man attending it. I also noticed they were facing away from the street. So they were guarding their post. Facing out is BS security-wise. The threat would come from behind them, then.

    Also the guy recording said fresh tack welds were applied to the sewer cover nearby. That seems pretty well thought out to me.

    POTUS had an army rolling with him. No one stood a chance at attacking him.

    Finally, if a sub-compact bouncing through a drainage ditch like that was planned – then it was the worst plan ever. They made it across and then stopped short when only a matter of feet away? Makes no sense at that point. Lends credence that it was not intentional, in my book.

    That last paragraph has me fall into the category of possibly buying the brakes story. Check the brakes and check the woods they came from. If they work and the situation in the woods is not an area people normally go – throw the book at ’em for attempting an assault on the Prez. Make an example of them.

  10. Maybe they were pretending to believe their story to put them off their guard in order to track their communications following the incident. To catch any bigger fish, so to speak.

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