Illegal Aliens Commit 13 Child Sexual Assaults a Day In NC – IOTW Report

Illegal Aliens Commit 13 Child Sexual Assaults a Day In NC


An ongoing study of the crimes committed by illegal aliens in North Carolina, has yielded some startling results.

illegal alien criminals

In just one month (April 2014) illegal aliens committed more than 390 sex crimes against children across the state of North Carolina…Or, an average of 13 a day.

These unspeakable acts took place in both large cities and small towns. All of this misery occurred while the Charlotte city council has been working towards officially declaring a ‘sanctuary policy’ for their city, which will protect illegal alien criminals from being reported to federal authorities for deportation.  more

16 Comments on Illegal Aliens Commit 13 Child Sexual Assaults a Day In NC

  1. Why do we allow it?

    Our “Representatives” and “Agents” in the FedGov and the Bureaucracy seem to have turned their backs on “We, the People of the United States” ignoring our interests and our desires.

    Deport the Rat-People. NOW!
    All fucking 11 million of them.

    In fact, they’ll self-deport if you tell them that in a fortnight, they’ll be declared ‘persona non grata’ and you’re gonna seize their assets and declare ‘open season’ on any still here after a following fortnight.

    Seem a tad severe?

    Ask the raped and murdered children and THEIR families!

  2. I’m guessing I will get a lot of flak from this, but saying it anyway.

    Molestation of children is not restricted to Mexican and Latin Americans, however it is quite endemic to people from those countries. Usually hetero.

    I do not know the reasons why, however, Mexican mothers are quite hard on the girls in the family telling them to bite their lips so to speak, be strong and shut up about most anything. Mexican mothers treat their boys like little kings who can do no wrong.

    I’ve seen this in action, spoke to Mexican women about this, and they, besides study, are the source for my theory.

    Conclusions…this is how boys perceive men should act.

    Other thoughts. Alcohol distorts choices and leads to such behavior in families. Depression/alcohol = bad choices. Depression/alcohol/porn = horrible choices.

    Revered uncles often are molesters.

    The non-relative molesters…animals that should be caged.

  3. But aren’t they STILL killing off 25 innocent people every day???

    Hell, even Roy Beck says not to bring up all the deaths attributable to the fucking rat people, he’s still losing people by dumping gumballs into the great gumball aquarium to show the inability to absorb all 3rd world rat people.

  4. If you are illegal and found 400 miles north of the border you get dropped off 400 miles south of the border. If you are 800+ miles north >>same thing. If you commit a violent ( or sex) crime you get jail plus a ride to Paraguay. If you have any more you wake up castrated with a chip in yer ass along side of a road in Somalia in time to see a C130 fly away……. any questions.

  5. They need to be deported back to Mexico City. It’s Mexico’s capital. If they admit to being from another country, take their asses back to that capital.

    Either way, it’s Adios, mustachios!

  6. NO TOLERANCE for child molesters/rapists. Instant death. I will gladly donate to that cause.

    My city has its crimes… But they burned down the empty house the illegal used when he grabbed a girl off her bike, about 9 or 10 y/o and raped her viciously. Everyone in the neighborhood didn’t see anything when the cops and firemen came…

    Bounty hunters caught the piece of filth in Mexico when his family turned him in.

  7. I’d love to forward this to a church I learned was “assisting” (ahem) Mescans to illegally get here and stay here for the past 20 years ago. The revered liberal priest once made a crack to a friend/parishioner about the nutjobs in the TEA Party. She told him she was a member.


  8. You know sumthin’ BFH. I wish you’d bring back the “noteworthy comment” and thumbs up click feature, also the edit feature. Take your time. No rush. I’ll even add a few bucks to the kitty. as I’m sure other lovers of IOTWreport will.

    But right now it’s like talking to the wind. No visible reaction to any comment.

  9. We have enough home born pervs to deal with. Importing more, or releasing them after captured for other reasons, is just more of Obumbles fundamentally transforming America by changing the culture into another high crime hell hole.

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