Illegals canceling their food stamps for fear that Trump will deport them – IOTW Report

Illegals canceling their food stamps for fear that Trump will deport them

Luisa Fortin sometimes sits up at night, wondering what her clients are eating. She is the SNAP Outreach Coordinator for the Chattanooga Food Bank — but lately she has done less outreaching.

Her families, working immigrants in northwest Georgia, are spooked by the political climate, Fortin said. Increasingly, she’s being asked to explain how food stamps may impact immigration status, if not to outright cancel family food benefits.

Since mid-January, five of Fortin’s families have withdrawn from the SNAP program. One, the single mother of three citizen daughters, had fled to Georgia to escape an abusive husband. Another, two green-card holders with four young children, were thinking of taking on third jobs to compensate for the lost benefits. These families represent a small fraction of Fortin’s caseload — she estimates she has signed 200 immigrant families up for SNAP over the past six months — but based on the calls she gets from other clients, she fears more cancellations are imminent.

“I get calls from concerned parents all the time: ‘should I take my kids out of the program?’” Fortin said. “They’re risking hunger out of fear … and my heart just breaks for them.”

Chattanooga is not an outlier here, either.

SNIP: The rest is at Washington Compost

31 Comments on Illegals canceling their food stamps for fear that Trump will deport them

  1. So, is this article saying that the illegals realize they are doing something wrong and are afraid of being caught?

    If they were NOT doing anything wrong, they wouldn’t be afraid of being caught, right?

  2. If the illegal aliens get off welfare programs and work hard enough to support themselves and their families, then my objection to their being here is somewhat reduced. Reduced to the point where they’d be at the bottom of the DEPORT list. Still on it, though.

  3. Total lies. Every state food stamps program is largely funded by Federal tax dollars.
    Fed law says illegals are forbidden to receive (steal) any Federal benefits.

    So any illegal receiving a Food Stamps is violating Federal law.
    Any state bureaucrat out “signing up” known illegals is violating Federal law as well.

    Fire Ms. Social Worker Boo-Hoo and eliminate her position.
    Food stamps should be for Americans struggling with personal disaster, and the huge swath of retired Americans struggling to survive on Social Security (and SS benefits to actual Americans could be paid at DOUBLE current amounts once we expel the illegal parasites who are draining SS resources).

    BTW, the article writer should be told Chattanooga is in Tennessee, not GA.

  4. I’d not see a child go hungry because of their parents’ stupidity.
    I would feed them, but admonish the parents to return to where they are citizens and therefor are not stealing to feed their kids in the form of aid for our citizens.
    I agree w/ Al.
    The more they act like Americans (speak English, don’t commit crimes, pay their own way, etc.) the less I worry about hauling their asses out.
    Give the good ones a green card and let them help with the debt.

  5. It’s like breaking into a place and demanding to be fed. how did this insanity ever get started? Remember what happened to that Marine who entered Mexico by mistake with a gun in his car? We should treat them exactly the way they treat illegals in their country.

  6. not all that say to ME- Lord-Lord will enter into the kingdom of heaven , but those that do the will of the Father-what is His will? to feed the hungry- cloth the naked- give drink to the thirsty and shelter to the homeless- What you and I have are gifts from God because we live in this great nation and what we do or don’t do will one day be judged. I buy a homeless person a meal- I give them an extra jacket from my closet and the families I know that need help– I help as much as I can. Its not about me- its not about being angry about immigrants– its about helping others as we would want someone to help us in time of need. stop thinking about yourself– do something good for a stranger……

  7. Just passin thru, and what about the Americans who don’t have the money to pay for a poor immigrant’s meal, yet are forced to do so thru federal taxation. That is theft, not charity. Caring for the poor does not mean you have to be a doormat of people like you who weaponize the words of the Lord to try to shame others. Shame on YOU

  8. Is it really charity if it comes from the barrel of a gun and threats of imprisonment?
    Keep passin’, like a kidney stone, you’re painful to take.
    Progs, always willing to give your money away.

  9. just pass’n thru, this type of faulty thinking encourages criminal behavior. Instead of promoting truth, which God values highly, you are promoting lies and deception. Please examine your position on the topic before admonishing others to follow you. Giving other peoples’ money away through taxes is not charity. We also know that politicians use this to buy votes which is coveting power and wealth. The most vulnerable are more likely to fall prey to criminals with open borders.

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