I’m a feminist — and I’m tired of Hillary’s sexist campaign – IOTW Report

I’m a feminist — and I’m tired of Hillary’s sexist campaign

NYPost: Some glass ceilings should never be cracked.

Hillary Clinton’s massive head beamed onto a video screen in the main hall of the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia Tuesday night, as if the Joker had escaped from a “Batman’’ movie and dived into a mosh pit of leftist celebrities.

So as not to muddy the fact that Something Really Big was happening, her on-screen appearance was preceded by a photo montage of portraits of all the men who have served as president of the United States, from George Washington to Barack Obama. All dudes. Get it?

Then, Hillary’s face burst out of a cartoonish depiction of smashed shards of glass.

For sourpusses like me who still weren’t jazzed, Hillary came right to her tiresome point. “I can’t believe we just put the biggest crack in that glass ceiling yet!’’ she enthused. A TV camera focused on a female convention-goer in tears.  MORE

7 Comments on I’m a feminist — and I’m tired of Hillary’s sexist campaign

  1. Here! Here! I wish more women spoke like that. Feminist Sheminist whatever. Never in my life have I thought I couldn’t do something because I was a girl. I was raised to work hard, use common sense and plan-and with a little luck anything is possible in America. My Facebook newsfeed is loaded with ignorant self righteous precious wimmin swooning over Hillary. Good grief. Seriously. They all think they are Susan B. Anthony.

  2. The only glass ceiling that exists in America today, is created by the very women it’s claimed to contain: angry, indignant, militant women who’ve never learnt that the greatest battle one can face is with one’s own self. Thus, they are overly emotional creatures who lash out at all those who hurt their feelings over being overly emotional. Sadly, this applies to a lot of males these days as well. Happily, Illustr8r is a shining example of how well one can face the world, male or female, if only that individual can battle, if not totally conquer, one’s self.

    An aside: I never pictured you as either male or female, Illustr8r. For all your replies I’ve read over the years, I only ever imagined you as a thoughtful, well-reasoned, go-getter. No more, no less. Your gender never crystallized in my mind.

  3. @Illustr8r: Used to be, Americans looked up to women like Susan B. Anthony. Thanks to the Dims promoting their transgender weirdos, we have to deal with Susans who want to be Anthony.


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