I’m Not Sure What TV Series This Is, But I’m Canceling It – IOTW Report

I’m Not Sure What TV Series This Is, But I’m Canceling It

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93 Comments on I’m Not Sure What TV Series This Is, But I’m Canceling It

  1. Headline from the story:
    Enjoying some Miami heat! Michelle Obama, 53, looks sensational in a white bikini and cut-off shorts as she and daughter Malia, 19, enjoy a winter weekend at the beach


    ⚫Charlie’s Baneful

    ⚫The Incredible Bulk

    ⚫The Love Bloat

    ⚫The Fats of Life

    ⚫Pukes and Hazzard

    ⚫Saturday Night Jive

    ⚫Diff’rent Blokes

    ⚫Asinining Women

  3. This is a classic case of a woman with no self-awareness, who sees an outfit that looks great on a 120-pound fashion model, and thinks “wow, I’d look that great wearing that too!” What a mess.

  4. I won’t even try to compete with y’all, especially that Chalupa dude. How does anyone look at that and see toned thighs and washboard abs? I just see a big blob of “ick”.

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