In 2009 ABC News Predicted a 2015 Apocalypse Driven By Global Warming – IOTW Report

In 2009 ABC News Predicted a 2015 Apocalypse Driven By Global Warming

Shouldn’t these people be punished? This isn’t Kreskin making a stupid prediction which would boost his appearance fees. This is a news outlet trying to influence public policy based on lies. Their FCC license should be pulled.

Go to Blur Brain for more.

ht/ just the tip

22 Comments on In 2009 ABC News Predicted a 2015 Apocalypse Driven By Global Warming

  1. Last Sunday, the stupid little science-guy cartoon/info-graphic had a nice bit of propaganda regarding Katrina’s 10th anniversary.
    It said storms would be increasingly larger and more frequent due to global warming.
    They focus on the children and keep hammering until the skulls contain the proper liberal mush.

  2. eternal that’s just it. The Libs say 98% of scientist agree climate change is real and the science is settled. The science isn’t settled until 100% of scientist agree.

    BTW: The 98% that agree are getting paid by the government.

  3. I find it interesting that two things, one that doesn’t exist and one that was almost extinct, are being ramped up in parallel with each other as we near the end of the Øbamboozler’s regime – Global Warming and racism. I have a feeling 2016 is gonna go exponential!

  4. Podesta says climate refugees streaming over the border from Mexico will put “…huge stress I think on the systems of the United States to try to cope with that.”

    I thought the illegals were a boost to the economy! We should experience a miraculous boom! And think of all the love!

  5. I’m still holding out that any and all that propose this hoax as truth should be put under oat with the penalty of death when proven they lied or falsified data.

    Force this little clause onto everything they write and come out of their mouths and I guarantee the only thing heard from the left regarding this is the summertime crickets we always here out in the sticks.

    In short MF’ers, put you life where you mouth is!

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