In 2013, Trump Predicted Killing The Filibuster Would Come Back To Bite Democrats – IOTW Report

In 2013, Trump Predicted Killing The Filibuster Would Come Back To Bite Democrats

DC: A series of tweets fired off by then-citizen Donald Trump have once again proven to be prophetic.

Trump predicted, in 2013, that Nevada Senator Harry Reid’s filibuster reform would come back to bite Democrats when they no longer had the majority in the Senate.

Trump suggested that Republicans should make use of the fact that the Democrats had used their power to enact a rule that could certainly backfire under the right circumstances.  more here

5 Comments on In 2013, Trump Predicted Killing The Filibuster Would Come Back To Bite Democrats

  1. Not that I am a biblical scholar like the democrats but
    a couple passages come to mind.
    Jeremiah 1:5
    “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I set you apart and appointed you a prophet to the nations.”
    Luke 7:33
    For John the Baptist came neither eating bread nor drinking wine, and you say, ‘He has a demon!’

    Never forget who is working against PDJT
    On a typical Wednesday, by the light of the waning moon, Kate Doucette joined several thousand strangers on the internet in casting a spell to “bind” Donald Trump.

    Continuous prayers are needed for our President. I ask you all to include him in your daily prayers. The battle continues for the church militant.

  2. Anyone with more than one brain cell to rub together could have told you that Dingy Harry’s “nuclear option” would soon enough turn around to bite the DildoCrats and the GOPe RINOs in the ass.

    Sauce, goose, gander. Some assembly required.


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