Inflation Caused 18% of Americans to Skip Meals or Not Buy Groceries – IOTW Report

Inflation Caused 18% of Americans to Skip Meals or Not Buy Groceries

Epoch Times: High inflation rates have forced almost a fifth of the U.S. population to limit their food purchases, and meal intake, according to a new survey from the Nationwide Retirement Institute.

In the past 12 months, 40 percent of American households received food from a food bank, while 40 percent stopped buying healthier foods, states a news release on Oct. 25. While 18 percent of Americans did not buy groceries or chose to skip meals due to high inflation, this number rose to 23 percent among millennials and 28 percent among Gen Z.

Due to rising food insecurity, 14 percent of Americans have canceled or postponed plans to see a health specialist. Further, 10 percent avoided taking prescribed medication and 11 percent chose not to get an annual physical.

High inflation also has forced 17 percent of Gen Z and 19 percent of millennials to postpone plans to see a mental health professional.

Among the respondents, 10 percent have cut down their retirement plan contributions in order to pay for health care expenses. While 14 percent of adults are considering lowering their contributions this year, 20 percent of millennials and 21 percent of Gen Z are also thinking the same. more

20 Comments on Inflation Caused 18% of Americans to Skip Meals or Not Buy Groceries

  1. While I was in the hospital for COVID I lost 30 to 35 pounds dropping down to approximately 220 pounds which is the lightest I have been in well over 30 years. Of course, hospital food and not a whole lot of it and being sick with COVID will do that to you. Now that I’ve been home for a couple of days I can eat normally again. My grocery bills have not increased substantially yet because I have always been a frugal and a bargain shopper. FJB/FPM, I honestly believe and am optimistic that Tiffany Smiley will beat Patty Murray for the US Senate in 10 days because of all the negative ads the democraps are running against Tiffany Smiley and how pissed most Washingtonians are at PM but we’ll see.

  2. My household is cutting back. I’ve always had a very good budget to work off of monthly and since FJB came into office inflation is giving me $1200.00 less monthly buying power. Plus travel, boating and other enjoyments in life are greatly reduced. Charitable contributions will probably be zero from now on. Girl Scout Caramel deLites are even on the chopping block.

  3. Brings to mind the “why are your poor people so fat?” meme.

    But, for those of us that started with personal responsibility, it is unpleasant to be cutting back on recreation, and to even think about cutting back on charity. All we’re getting for our taxes is 87,000 more bureaucrats to feed.

  4. I’m just surprised that this krazy kollection of kommunists hasn’t used daily inflation rates! Then they could say its less than 1% (or maybe an inch)! As it is referring to the monthly figure soft-pedals it! The real number should be referenced to the start of Jackass Joe’s term in which case the inflation rate is well over 100%!

  5. …and I’ll second Goeff’s remarks. COVID bout, self quarantine, 12 pounds down…

    Surprised with the “obesity epidemic” that it’s not marketed as a diet plan.

  6. We’ve been accustomed to eating just 2 meals a day for years now. Breakfast and lunch, light snack in the evening. Lo-carbing for every meal. Protein keeps you filled up. Since stores aren’t stopping shoplifters, I no longer give anything. Use to give a turkey to the Salvation Army for their Xmas baskets. That was until the Captain of the SA took it from me and promptly placed it in the trunk of his car for him and his family. So, that’s the end of my charitable giving.

  7. @tctsunami
    If you have an ALDI near you, they carry Girl Scout cookie dupes that a lot of people say, taste better.

    Does anyone think we could get the “Fat is beautiful” brigade to skip a few meals and leave some on the shelves for those who really need it?

  8. You fucking peasants are always whining about something!

    First we’re trying to kill you with the jab, now we’re trying to starve you to death! Just fucking die, already!

  9. @SNS: Yep, that’s another reason SA is on my “S” list. I’m too white for them, yet they sure will take my money. I drop note in their red kettle now and every Xmas, just to remind them that they’re too “woke” for my money. Their bell ringing is happening!

  10. Friend wife made meat balls for the hot meat ball sandwiches to be included in the fare at a party today. Number one son requested it and the “Sicilian” loves to show off her skills and get the complements.

    Fixings just for the meatballs? $40.00 +! Yeah there’s some ground veal in there, but come on.

    Yes, she gloried in the complements so it was worth it just for that. but I’m glad we’re only feeding the two of us now.

  11. “It’s only about a small increase in Halloween Candy cost.” A quote from my true-believing-fellow traveller commie relative. “There is no inflation.” That’s what propaganda brings about.

  12. Been in healthcare for 45 years and I can say with great confidence that MORE than 20% of the population needs to skip meals….a LOT of meals. Obesity in America is an ENORMOUS problem.

  13. 2# GV Sausage – $4.40
    2 packs English Muffins – $4.36
    Carton of Eggs – $1.50
    Package of cheese – $4.50

    Total – $14.76 – and will feed one person for 12 days – $1.23/day excluding electricity and cleanup. Throw in a piece of fruit for breakfast and it may come to $2/day. Yeah, yeah, yeah – some people may want steak or chicken and that’ll cost a little more.
    (but then, I eat to live; I don’t live to eat)

    Bought a 4 lb. round roast for $4.99/lb and made a stew-like substance with meals for 8 days (taters, carrots, and onion added).

    So, actual meat will drive it over $3/day.

    Fuck Joe Biden – don’t play his game.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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