iOTWreport All-Time Miss America – IOTW Report

iOTWreport All-Time Miss America

In a primary process that can explain why we sometimes get the candidate we don’t necessarily love, we have chosen Shirley Cothran, Miss 1975, as the all-time Miss America beauty.


Click to embiggen

Cothran is a fine looking woman, but are we absolutely sure she is the best looking?

Just as an experiment, here is a random Playboy Playmate for the year 1975.

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Thumb up your choice in the comments.




34 Comments on iOTWreport All-Time Miss America

  1. When I first saw this Miss America here, I thought she has it all. The charm, the grace, that motherly look, the sex appeal, nurturing, and with that come on look, “What do you need honey?” What a woman.

  2. Funny thing about aging, you can grow up seeing or being with someone, and even after twenty, thirty, forty or more years, his or her body has changed (no doubt, so have you!), but the mind and personality are still there. I had cousin come up to me at a party recently, it was, so strange, as if we picked up the conversation from a good forty years ago.

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