Is Hillary’s Suspected Lesbianism Because of the Way She Dresses, Or is it Because of What Bill Told Gennifer? – IOTW Report

Is Hillary’s Suspected Lesbianism Because of the Way She Dresses, Or is it Because of What Bill Told Gennifer?

Salon tries to run defense for Hillary by suggesting that us CIS gender, heteronormative morons don’t know what we’re talking about if we’re basing our innuendos on Hillary’s pantsuits. But’s that’s a strawoman argument. We never said that.  She wears the pantsuits because she thinks it’s the best way to conceal her thickish thighs and ass.


The right thinks she’s a lesbian because of this-

“I just know what Bill told me and that was that he was aware that Hillary was bisexual and he didn’t care. He should know.

‘He said Hillary had eaten more p***y than he had.” – Gennifer Flowers.

The funny part of the Salon story is that during their defense of Hillary they admit she dresses like a lesbian.

8 Comments on Is Hillary’s Suspected Lesbianism Because of the Way She Dresses, Or is it Because of What Bill Told Gennifer?

  1. Some SS guys used to come down to the Capitol to commune with their Capitol Police buddies, and had no qualms about sharing their stories of Mrs. Clinton’s carpet-munching escapades.

    So I don’t understand the “suspected” part …

  2. Rumors are like bodily orifices I know. But a guy once told me his friend in a major city PD did security when she came to his town. . . and she always had a woman in her room the first night.

    Makes one wonder how dear Huma, without finishing her degree, no prior experience, just deep ties to the Muslime Brohood got so close to the then first lady so quick and stayed there so long.

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