Is Nothing Safe From The Ravages Of Climate Change? – IOTW Report

Is Nothing Safe From The Ravages Of Climate Change?

Weasel Zipper Headline

Great Tits Could Go Extinct Because of Climate Change


20 Comments on Is Nothing Safe From The Ravages Of Climate Change?

  1. I see bush tits every winter here. They flap around for awhile and settle in a tree. So I watch them cheerfully bouncing from limb to limb and think to myself, “Those are some fine lookin’ tits.”

  2. Do these “scientists” realize that any significant climate shift takes place over centuries and the species will just migrate to align with the climate range that is appropriate for them?

  3. So? As weather gets warmer, the bugs hatch sooner? And the birds can’t adapt and hatch sooner as well? Why does evolution have to be so one-species?


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