ISIS uses Zuckerberg’s Facebook to buy and sell sex slaves – IOTW Report

ISIS uses Zuckerberg’s Facebook to buy and sell sex slaves

Sex Slaves for Sale: ISIS Use Facebook to Sell 1,800 Women for Brutal Rape.

HumanRightsVoices: The Islamic State is using Facebook as a platform to sell women as sex slaves to fellow terrorists. The price tag on the women being traded over the social networking site is determined by the demand and supply.

The Facebook posts by the group showed that women were being sold for around US$8,000 (AU$11,500). The report by the Washington Post shed light on the lives of the hundreds of women who are held captive and traded by the Islamic State.

Abu Assad Almani, an Islamic State militant, posted images of a girl aged around 18 years on Facebook, the RT News reported. “To all the brothers thinking about buying a slave, this one is $8,000,” Almani wrote. He reportedly posted another image featuring a face with teary eyes after a few hours and wrote, “Another sabiyah [slave], also about $8,000. Yes or no?”  MORE

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