It Seems the Lefty Propagandists, Huff Poop and WAPO, Are At Odds With One Another – IOTW Report

It Seems the Lefty Propagandists, Huff Poop and WAPO, Are At Odds With One Another

Huff Poop hired a “give us your Muslims” advocate to pen an article about how everyone has everything wrong in regards to the refugees. According to David Bier, there was no refugee involved in the Paris attacks, and the Tsarnaev brothers weren’t refugees either.



Man, if he doesn’t have that Mark Ruffalo look that I call “the wince of stupid.”

Bier then goes on a Clintonesque quest for the mushy truth. You see, according to Bier, there is a yuge difference between being a refugee and someone seeking asylum (like the Paris monster), and that’s what he’s going to hang his hat on, self-satisfied that his explanation will make everyone rest easy.

But it was WAPO who called the Tsarnaev brothers refugees in this article published on April 13th, 2013.

And, according to our own government’s immigration services website, asylum status is a form of protection available to people who meet the definition of refugee.

But I guess it matters what the definition of is is, or isis, ISIS!

Seriously, where does the left find these people? To be this sort of pedant when the stakes are so, so very high, you run the risk of bodily harm, maybe an IAW – improvised atomic wedgie.


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