It Took 7 years, Finally Top U.S. Psychologists Are Identifying Obama as a “Person With a Mental Disorder” – IOTW Report

It Took 7 years, Finally Top U.S. Psychologists Are Identifying Obama as a “Person With a Mental Disorder”

It took awhile. And it’s way too late, but, damn!


A neuroscientist explains: Obama has a mental disorder.

According to a number of top U.S. psychologists, like Harvard professor and researcher Howard Gardener, Barack Obama is a “textbook” narcissist. In fact, he fits the profile so well that clinical psychologist George Simon told Vanity Fair, “He’s so classic that I’m archiving video clips of him to use in workshops.” This puts Obama in the same category as a number of infamous dictators like Muammar Gaddafi, Napoleon Bonaparte, and Saddam Hussein. And although there are narcissists out there who entertain us, innovate, or create great art, when a narcissist is given immense power over people’s lives, they can behave much differently… will they act on the behalf of the will of the people, or would he behave more like a dictator—silencing any dissenting voices, perpetually refusing to compromise, and being oppressive to certain groups?

Just beneath the surface layer of overwhelming arrogance lies a delicate self-esteem that is easily injured by any form of criticism. We have all seen Obama unjustifiably lash out at a number of people with harsh and often extremely odd personal attacks.

When Obama speaks of political adversaries he’s been known to petulantly give them the finger by pretending to wipe his eye. He then holds the middle finger there until he’s sure everyone has picked up on his signal, yet he’ll have plausible deniability.

No other president has ever employed this tactic, because you have to be at least 35 years old, not 14.

To be fair, it is certainly true that all narcissists are not terrible people. Some of our most beloved celebrities and musicians have been suspected narcissists, including Elvis Presley, Marlon Brando, Kanye West, and even Alec Baldwin. Not only are these decent people, some have also done a lot of good through philanthropic work. Surely Barack Obama has more in common with these individuals than he does with a psychopath like Saddam Hussein.

There is no doubt that this has been true of the past, yet there is one critical difference between those people and Obama or Saddam. Only the latter two were in or are pursuing positions as heads of state—a role that grants enormous power over world affairs and people’s lives. While a narcissistic personality might be one of the traits that allowed Obama to write an autobiography before he accomplished anything, it is also the trait that makes him potentially dangerous as a political leader.



Should I give you the punch line now?

Of course this wasn’t an article about top psychologists diagnosing Obama. It’s about psychologists warning everyone about……………….. Trump. Ijust switched around a few sentences and replaced Trump with Obama. (I hate to link Raw Story, but you need to see it to believe it.)

These psychologists love what Obama is doing to America. Never mind that half the country thinks Obama, with his dictatorial pen and phone, is horrible. That would only make us ripe for one of their diagnoses, labeling us as mentally ill, as well.

ht/ Petrus


28 Comments on It Took 7 years, Finally Top U.S. Psychologists Are Identifying Obama as a “Person With a Mental Disorder”

  1. Shortly after “The One” was elected, this happened:
    Narcissism No Longer a Psychiatric Disorder
    By Tara Parker-Pope November 29, 2010 3:26 pm

  2. I knew there was something suspicious when I saw “Raw Story” as source. I was looking forward to reading the comments over there, but not after the reveal.

    “Blinded by our own ideology” should be their motto.

  3. Y’all can’t see The Left working, here?

    Anyone with a scintilla of intelligence knew this when he opened his pie-hole and told us that he was the one we were waiting for, and that from this day on, history will say this was the time man rolled the oceans back, and so forth.

    Now… they will tell us Trump is a narcissist and will surely be bad for America. The way I look at it – and I have a track record here, because I was right on 0bama (snicker) – we need a narcissist to offset a narcissist. It’s like adding 1 and subtracting 1. Only someone with 0bama’s brass can straighten out all the sh!t he’s caused. That’s my story, and I’m sticking to it.

    By the way… why didn’t they write about Bill Clinton’s narcissism and sexual psychosis or about Hitlery’s congenital lying? If you answered, “The muthafuc*ers on The Left are shameless,” you were right.

  4. Psychiatrists lead the league in suicides, substance abuse and self-destructive behavior. Hell, the ultimate self-destructive behavior has got to be talking to people with real and perceived problems all day.

  5. “According to top U.S. psychologists, like Harvard professor and researcher Howard Gardener, Barack Obama is a “textbook” narcissist.

    And Professor Gardener is a “textbook” plagiarist and fraud.

    Way back in 2009 Dr. Sam Vaknin wrote an article – “Barack Obama: Narcissist or Merely Narcissistic?” – In which he noted Obama’s early childhood chaos – and that his behavior and speech patterns are hallmark of Pathological Narcissism. Vaknin is the author of “Malignant Self-Love: Narcissism Revisited” – recognized as the most comprehensive work on Narcissistic Personality Disorder to date.

    Professor Gardener & the “top U.S. psychologists” (progressive elites) denied and derided Vaknin’s expertise and character – and dismissed his observation (He was after all a Jew impeding the progressive Hopytopian order)

    Bow the magic kingdom has plodded — and now the awesome genius of U.S. intelligentsia have made a brilliant discovery!

    The leader of the free world doesn’t have both oars in the water.

  6. Interesting psychological study in this thread as you can see the posters who read the entire post and used it to further their preconceptions and those who read all of it before commenting…hmm…

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