Italy: Sicily mob reportedly setting cats on fire in forestry scam – IOTW Report

Italy: Sicily mob reportedly setting cats on fire in forestry scam

Fox: Sicilian mobsters are setting fire to cats and sending the scurrying, burning felines into dry forests to spread the inferno in a sick scheme to make money from reforestation programs, The Times of London reported.

“One of the mob’s arson techniques is to tie a petrol-soaked rag to the tail of a cat and set fire to it,” Giuseppe Antoci, director of the Nebrodi regional park, told the newspaper. “As its tail burns, the cat flees in terror into the undergrowth in the woods, setting fire to everything in touches.

“That makes it harder for investigators to figure out where the fire was started and, since the cat is eventually incinerated, they never find what caused the fire.”

To add to the chaos, the fires were set just as a seasonal African windstorm – called a sirocco – blew through southern Italy, feeding the flames and spreading the destruction even further.  more here

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