It’s confusing – IOTW Report

It’s confusing

ht/ bad brad

27 Comments on It’s confusing

  1. LOL

    Speaking of the Devil, since the Right has taken control, the tailspin of the Left will seek, like water seeking its own level, to stabilize on something that’s been lurking about–Islam. I got a feeling we are going to hear more and more about the virtues and ideals of the Muslim faith, of its redeeming power, and how IT will bring us all together contrary to our own volition of bringing ourselves together as an American people. You’ll see the conversions to that faith on a grand scale across our nation when Trump and Congress decide to annihilate ISIS in Syria and elsewhere. Just a prediction. Nonetheless, interesting and fearful days to come.

  2. Dadof4

    He thinks we worship a little Trump statue the same way he worships his dashboard Cruz. He doesn’t get it. I think at this point Cruz would tell him give it a rest.

  3. @BENITO THE BOMBED BEANER (5:32 PM): Because Trump owes Comey for that last-minute revival of the inquiry into Hillary’s use of a private email server. The timing was superb.


  4. I think Trump kept him on because Comey knows where the bodies are buried in the swamp. Under Justice Secretary Sessions, I imagine — because Comey has already shown himself to be rather, uh, maleable — that he will show his loyalty to the Trump admin by being extraordinarily helpful in explicating the reports, data, info, and other stuff related to all the scandals the obama regime engaged in. That is my hope.

  5. @AA
    “because Comey has already shown himself to be rather, uh, maleable — that he will show his loyalty to the Trump admin…”

    You don’t think the dems would arkancide Comey if they believed that?

  6. @Perspective — Maybe they will or at least try. Comey, to my mind anyway, showed that he is capable of being partisan. And in my mind, too, I think that’s a guy who had a hard time speaking truth to power and diminishing public confidence that the FBI is doing its job. I was outraged that Trump would retain him until I thought again about how much help Comey will be to the DoJ in any matters regarding obama and the Dept of State (which is probably going to be the hardest nut for Tillerson to crack).

  7. I think they would.

    Hope he can be a help in the short term and I’m okay with that.

    Actually, I’m sure President (dang that sounds nice) Trump knows way more about what goes on in Wa D.C. than I could even imagine. What’s that he said on election eve? “Sorry I am late. Complicated business.”

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