How did such a crude man get elected?
Because, don’t let anyone tell you otherwise, the numbers will tell you that we are a crude nation.
What numbers?
Movie receipts, record sales, television ratings, magazine and book sales.
The sudden demand for someone “not anything like ourselves” happens every four years, and it’s usually demanded by the opposition party. Whatever your own guy does is fine and dandy (and this is especially true of the left. The genial and elegant Bill Clinton would have been back in the white house if it wasn’t for that crude, crude man, Donald Trump.)
ht/ petrus
Maybe crude is just another way to forgotten and deplorable.
I can honestly say I like my president with a side order of sauce and unpredictable.
That’s what it really is: He’s just a little unpredictable, dangerous, and untamed.
Thanks Don John for being who you are! (That was my family’s nickname for him from the celebrity apprentice shows.
I like Trump’s crudeness, whatever it is. Saying pussy isn’t crude, but getting a bj from a white house staff member under the desk is. So is the cigar used as a prop. Go Trump!
The left expects everyone else to be virtuous.
While they kill babies.
Since Rosie Odonuts famous crotch grab at the end of the National Anthem Padres game a quarter century ago, grabbing a pussy hear or there has become a staple of young sluts that get paid to sing (or lypsinc).
My prediction is that the GaGa will not grab her crotch on national TV two weeks from now, but had the Benghazi killer become president it would have happened.
Very good. The guy handled the narrative well. It does become clear when you think about it.
“So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.”
John 8:7
In my own words, I say we are what we let ourselves be or to become. Trump, in a way, is merely a reflection of …. (fill in what the man in the video touched on).
To repeat myself, I’ve run into a number of people – including Reps – who want Trump to become more “presidential” now that he’s in office. I tell them that his demeanor during his whole adult life and especially during the campaign was a major reason that I and a lot of others voted for him and really, really don’t want him to change a bit. They look at me as though I were a space alien.
I’ll take blunt honesty over duplicitous civility any day.
Thank you! Got it.
His forthrightness is refreshing!
The video is hilariously spot on. Is Trump really even that crude? He said a word/phrase to another guy in a private conversation over a decade ago. He is a guy that has spent his entire life working construction, casinos and beauty pageants – frankly this tape is it?! That is all they were able to drum up on a 70 year guy with his history?! Too bad these leftists can’t summon the same outrage when say a 5 year old disabled child is raped and abused by a group of young Muslim immigrants in Idaho. Or other similar actual atrocities that occur because of their ridiculously irresponsibly policies.
People who call him crude are a bunch of hypocrites.
Of all his characteristics; determined, driven, successful, intelligent, quick witted, honest, perceptive, leader, brash, plain spoken, direct, and other admirable qualities offset any crude remark President Trump has made or will make.
Honestly, who among us has not uttered a crude remark in private or publically at one time or another? I certainly have and it was far more than once.
Matthew 7:3
“And why do you look at the speck in your brother’s eye, but do not consider the plank in your own eye?”
Leftists are the most despicable of all. Filth mouths, filthy fils, filthy TV shows, pushing the envelope as far as they can. Filthy video games. Everything with parental warnings on them. I grew up in the 50’s and we weren’t splashing around in sewage. Add to that the fact the left doesn’t tolerate anyone who disagrees with them.
He talks about “crude” like it’s a BAD thing!
It depends on how it’s dished out, and how it’s taken.
(found at Zero Hedge)
We the people keep winning
I Am, Trump Is.
Obama was a closet homo. So what did that make him.
The Losers and Twits on the Left have resorted to Victorian Standards of Proper Etiquette after their foul mouthed drunk dyke Hillary cut loose and got cheered on by her lowly subjects? REALLY? How gauche! HOW DEPLORABLE… Seems they always preach out of one mouth and live perform out of the other one. Two faced shits!
0bama used his middle finger as he rested his chin on his hand, wiped his eyes, etc.
Not crude?
Michelle dug boogers out of his nose, ate like a hippo in public and scratched her junk on many occasions.
Not crude?
Maloika smoked weed in public, pulled up her shorts leg to expose her swimsuit coated butt, and wore racist tshirts.
Not crude?
That’s just a sampling of the 0bamas. I don’t have all day.
Sasha may have been the classiest of all of them.
@MJA – thanks for reminding me of obama giving us the middle finger – and on more than one occasion. I also remember Bill, Hill and Albright doing the three monkey no see, no hear, no speak meme to poke us all in the eye when Bill was President.
Now just seeing bill in the footage from the inauguratioon – he looks like a senile old perv.
It is hard for me to take Trump critics seriously when they are dressed like depraved clowns and yelling insults that would make a sailor blush. Crude is in the eye of the beholder.
Friend of the Family,
“John 8” This chapter is not included in the earliest Aramaic versions of the Gospel. It is thought to have been added much later than the rest of “John”.
Elemental Political Truth #1,056:
The LEFT always does exactly what they accuse Conservatives of doing. That’s so that if they get caught, the can point and say, “You’re just accusing us of doing what you always do! Besides, if we DID, it’s only because YOU did it FIRST!” Case in point is voter fraud. The Democrats accused the GOP of stealing 2000 and 2004, and then they openly exercised massive voter fraud in every election since. The Democrats oppose any and all controls to prevent voter fraud, and then if the Republicans try to do anything, they scream bloody murder.
Crude would be a gaggle of skanks and harpies marching on Washington, and other places, waxing sexist by wearing stupid pink caps that are supposed to be “vaginas”, while chanting hate and ignorance and how much they want to kill babies.
I was sitting at a Myley Cyrus concert the other day, enjoying my weed and wondering why Madonna didn’t give me oral sex for voting for Hillary like she promised, when this very subject popped into my head. That Trump – so crude, so rude and so crass that my girlfriend’s pussy hat almost exploded off of her head. What a jerk; I’ll have to re-watch Ashley Judd’s “nasty woman” rant to get my mind off of this.
We wanted a real President,
Not some feminist apologizing socialist
doing a goddamn world tour telling them how
bad our country is. What a POS.
Trump seems to have a policy of rejecting the politically correct standard (can you say ‘Radical Islam”? Of course I can – repeatedly)
In liberal bizarroland, that’s unforgivable.