It’s Time To Look Seriously At Sucking Progressives Out of the Galaxy – IOTW Report

It’s Time To Look Seriously At Sucking Progressives Out of the Galaxy

From VOX-

It’s time to look seriously at sucking CO2 out of the atmosphere

Vox, and Vox readers, are so committed to the chimera of man-made global warming, and global catastrophe, that they are now calling for scientists to step up and create giant machines that will suck carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere. Never mind that science has not concluded whether carbon dioxide leads or follows warming, let’s just build the damn machine.

Buried in the interview with some deranged lunatic are two points-

1- Scientists will seriously consider building such a machine as soon as it is subsidized.

Translation: if the gubmint builds a giant facility, complete with homes and shopping and schools and parks, scientists will turn their lives over to this pursuit. Who wouldn’t?

2- If the gubmint won’t subsidize the malarky, the only other alternative is carbon pricing.

Translation: Taxing the crap out of everyone that exhales.

We see through your schemes, a-holes. Stop it already.


Lead scientist in the Carbon Sucking Project – Professor Periwinkle from Superman.

ht/ just the tip


14 Comments on It’s Time To Look Seriously At Sucking Progressives Out of the Galaxy

  1. It’s Time To Look Seriously At Sucking Progressives Out of the Galaxy

    No, no, no! All we want to do is suck the progressives out of political power. Then they will whine and cry and yell about how it is all so unfaaaaay-errrr to be treated that way, and in the process blow lots of lovely CO2 into the atmosphere to feed plants and stave off the coming period of global cooling.

  2. Magnesium burns in the presence of CO2. I once had an idea in my entrepreneurial days to sell muffler inserts of meshed Magnesium that would be catalyzed by the heat from the engine.

    I envisioned this product at every gas station in America and being bought in droves by guilt ridden yuppies liberal / progs / commies everywhere. I did some initial testing and it is feasible. I never tried to get funding to pursue this. I just love the idea of creating something that plays on liberal guilt that is actually a capitalistic product that lines my wallet.

    The chemical reaction would leave soot on the road ways which would actually help traction in snow.

    2 Mg + CO2 -> 2 MgO + C

    Here is a video of Mg burning in CO2.

  3. Carbon dioxide is used by plants in photosynthesis in order to make glucose, the simplest form of their food. Photosynthesis basically takes water and carbon dioxide, and sunlight, and changes it into food (glucose). CO2 provides the carbons in glucose, and the reaction, in a simple form, is this:

    6CO2+6H20+Sunlight ==> C6H12O6 (glucose) + 6O2

    Yea, lets build something…

  4. Question #1 – Do they realize the consequence would be the end of all plant life?

    Question #2 – Do they realize the consequence of losing all plant life?

    Question #3 – When can we start shooting the people who propose things that would end all life on Earth as we know it?

    They’re trying to kill us first, it’s completely fair to kill them back in self defense.

  5. It ain’t smog that causes todays’ “air alerts” on weather websites. It’s ozone (O3). We need our friggin ozone hole back in place where it belongs. Bring back aerosol cans.

    And DDT!

  6. It is time to look seriously at expunging libprogs period. They cannot be allowed to destroy this nation any further. Pick a target and execute with extreme prejudice. When enough corpses pile up, the rest will slither away. Time to start with the worst of the worst. War is Hell. Give them Hell. It’s what they want anyway. Kill em all.

  7. The dumbmotherfuckers don’t realize that without CO2, they have no tofu, no kale and seaweed milkshakes, and no blue-green algae to which they can feel intellectually superior.

    Of course, when the sun goes into its super-duper Solar Minimum doohickey in 2030, and it gets colder than Hillary’s smile, we can blame all the Carbon Suckers for this natural phenomenon and perhaps turn them into Soylent Green®.

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