It’s Us Against Psychopaths – IOTW Report

It’s Us Against Psychopaths

Update: The picture was manipulated. You can tell by how identical the writing in Racists and Rapists is.

BUT, the original picture said, “Will Trade Racists For Refugees,”  which is equally psychotic.

The post stands as is.

A message to this fair-haired dope – the refugees are racists. 

American Thinker-

The radical left in Germany has adopted a policy of “diversity at all costs.”  This has proven hard to justify when you have male refugees running around raping and molesting young women.

One German feminist, however, had no problem with that fact.

A Facebook page for the radical left in Germany had a message for young women: “diversity is more important than your security.”

Read more:

24 Comments on It’s Us Against Psychopaths

  1. You knew it was coming at some point with the SJW idiots. It is now officially more evil in the minds of these fools to express an opinion (supposedly being racist) which physically harms no one than it is to violently and physically assault someone and forcibly penetrate them sexually. The world is doomed to depravity and moral darkness if these brain dead morons actually get their way.

  2. Nice to see the left actually demonstrating their real mentality for a change. Why don’t they just say, “I’d rather see you and every other woman be me raped than have a country run by white men because I hate my daddy.”

  3. Is she offering to replace herself with a rapist? Thats one way to get out of that country! Now other countries will have to decide on whether they want racists or rapists. Maybe we could trade Democrats for smart, honest, normal, hardworking, industrious, traditional family oriented, anti-abortion, law abiding, self-sustaining freedom loving patriots!

  4. in the comments at American Thinker is a link to independent from Canada, showing the original photo. She has sign saying “Will trade racists for refugees”. Its a Canadian pro-refugee demonstration, thats why its in English.

    Those two traits are not mutually exclusive.

  5. Poor little thing. She’s been taught in school that German women deserved to be raped by Soviet soldiers, because the women were nazi racists. Her Great grandma, however, would have gladly traded the Soviet rape machine for all the racists the allies could muster.

  6. I’ll say what “kafir” wrote in stronger language:
    the b!tch is STILL a dhimmi I wish multiple rapes upon
    for her brainless acceptance of
    these venemous NON-refugee invaders.

    It seems nothing else will reach that brain of hers…
    …what little there may be left of it.

  7. According to an elderly “statesman” pursuing the office of President of the United States, such things are akin to what most women secretly dream about anyway. . .

    So. . .”what difference does it make now, anyway?”.

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