Jailing of WAPO Reporter in Iran is Karma – IOTW Report

Jailing of WAPO Reporter in Iran is Karma

The NY Times reports this like I should be concerned.

NOW I should be concerned?

NY Times-

A spokesman for the Iranian judiciary announced on Sunday that the jailed Washington Post reporter Jason Rezaian had been sentenced to prison, an Iranian news agency reported.

“He began to identify individuals and companies that violated sanctions and were cooperating with Iran,” an Iranian television station said on its website. “The information that Rezaian gave to the Americans had led many Iranian and international businessmen and companies to be included in America’s sanctions list.”


The NY Times and WAPO have lovingly caressed Obama when he lifted sanctions on Iran and allowed their government to police their nuclear program themselves.

They arrested a guy for outing how corrupt they were, and WAPO and the NY Times wants me to get upset over this?

Go Martin Bashir yourselves.


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