Jake Tapper reportedly taped show at CNN studio after COVID diagnosis – IOTW Report

Jake Tapper reportedly taped show at CNN studio after COVID diagnosis


CNN anchor Jake Tapper reportedly angered some of his staffers when he tested positive for COVID-19 but still stayed at the network’s studio to tape his show in person. 

Tapper tested positive for COVID-19 at CNN’s D.C. bureau on May 9 before he was set to tape his afternoon show, but he “did not go home immediately, incensing some colleagues,” The Daily Beast reports. CNN’s Dana Bash filled in for Tapper the following day, and he returned to his show that Wednesday, this time hosting from home. 

CNN defended Tapper’s actions, with a network spokesperson telling The Daily Beast he did not violate its COVID-19 protocols.  more

7 Comments on Jake Tapper reportedly taped show at CNN studio after COVID diagnosis

  1. These people act like covid 19 is a death sentence like AIDS,the Ass Injected Death Syndrome. Or monkey pox.

    I rather enjoyed talking to Ian about Roman numerals, today. He was paying attention enough to ask me why some clocks have IIII, and some IV. Much more interesting than Jake Tapper being Jake Tapper.

  2. What a bunch of whiny crybabies.

    Fuck Off, Eat Shit, and Die – all of em – including Tapper.

    If they had to buy their own gasoline and bacon, the Wuhan Flu would be the least of their worries.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Uncle Al
    MAY 24, 2022 AT 11:35 PM
    “the Han Crud”

    …the Szechuan Sneeze, the Hunan Hack, the Cantonese Crud, the Guangdong Gunk…

    …hey, I didn’t call it “Chinese”…

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