Japanese Store Reconsidering “Miss Period” Badge – IOTW Report

Japanese Store Reconsidering “Miss Period” Badge


A woman’s health store in Japan is reportedly reviewing a plan for staff to wear badges when they are on their period.

The so-called “physiology badge” features a cartoon character named Seiri Chan, a symbol of menstruation in the world’s third-largest economy.

It was hoped that the badges would help foster sympathy among co-workers, with those choosing to wear the pin likely to receive extra help or longer breaks. More

Apparently, in Japan, “Miss Period” is a popular comic character who  shares antics with other characters like “Mr Libido, Mr Virginity, and Little Miss PMS.”  More

24 Comments on Japanese Store Reconsidering “Miss Period” Badge

  1. “It is sexist to think that a woman is emotionally unstable when she has her period.”

    “It is sexist to not be more considerate towards a woman when she has her period because she is going to be a bit emotionally unstable.”

  2. As a mature male I find the badge… information overload.
    I already sympathize with females and their burden of being a female. I spent many moments during my formidable years sympathizing with females when t.v. ads broadcast kotex, tampons, midol and numerous other personal items.

    Then came jock itch, penile implants and Viagra.

    I suspect the plan is to lay everything out in the open….on a conveyer belt….for all the world to see.

    I blame liberalism.

  3. That’s right, women push the cheap stereotypes on themselves and then wonder why people don’t take them seriously and why they’re assumed to be hysterical. At least counter it with a ‘small dick’ button for the men. Do you think any of them would wear those? LOL!

  4. …I’d be OK with an “Impotence” badge for men.

    …because, as some famous Old Hollywood type, maybe Clark Gable, is reputed to have once said, “I always tell women I’m impotent, because as soon as I do, they’re DYING to prove me wrong”…

  5. Nice thing about this idea is that then you know they have no excuse for being a bitch the other 3 wks/ month.

    Very handy – if you let people get away with shit (especially women?), they get worse – unless they offer an EXCUSE or apology


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