Jason Whitlock Bluntly Explains Why No One Watches The WNBA – IOTW Report

Jason Whitlock Bluntly Explains Why No One Watches The WNBA

The Mix:
Sports commentator Jason Whitlock bluntly explained why no one watches the WNBA following Natalie Portman’s comments about men not watching women’s sports.

Portman recently spoke about her activism when it comes to women’s sports while promoting Thor: Love and Thunder in an interview with Variety.

Speaking specifically to pay equity, Portman told the outlet, “It’s rare to have this side-by-side comparison where people are doing exactly the same thing and have the same employer and that their success is objective.”

“You can see who wins the World Cup, who doesn’t win, how many games, how many goals. It’s quite statistically objective,” she said. more here

26 Comments on Jason Whitlock Bluntly Explains Why No One Watches The WNBA

  1. Who watches Canadian Football League? Who watches water polo – why no professional sports league? Oh yeah, because of money.
    I think tennis may be the one sport with similar draws for men and women.

  2. next, let her explain why WOMEN don’t watch womens sports….lol

    i don’t watch male or female roundball or futball…..don’t watch baseball……barely watch NFL anymore, but it was the only sport i watched pre-kaepernick……..if they made a women’s NFL, i wouldn’t watch it either…..

    ….and i am a woman…..so…there’s that…..

    ….take yer medal of freedom and put it where you’ll enjoy it most, idiot lesbo

  3. the US woman’s soccer team (that just recently won the World Cup) lost to an under-15 boys soccer team in Dallas back in 2017 & it was immediately covered up & excused as just an ‘exercise’
    you gotta be kidding me! … a championship US woman’s team! losing to boys??? … those women would be playing their asses off to not lose to a bunch of boys!

    why do we deny such basic differences between men & women? why does anyone deny that they are two parts of a whole? can colonies of bees exist w/out a queen & drones? can most intelligent species on Earth exist w/out both male & female?
    … as the froggies say, “Vive la difference!”

    does anyone not get this shit anymore??????

  4. “It’s rare to have this side-by-side comparison where people are doing exactly the same thing and have the same employer and that their success is objective.”

    They don’t have the same employer. The ultimate employers are the fans who pay money to watch a game, or cause companies to pay for ads to show the fans watching on TV. Way more people watch men’s sports than women’s sports.

    She then declared, “There’s been an assumption my whole life that I’d be interested in watching men’s basketball, men’s baseball, men’s football and soccer. And I do. I love watching great players play a sport. Why would a man not watch it because it’s women?”

    That quote also holds the answer. “People love to watch great players”. The WNBA doesn’t have great players ergo, nobody watches WNBA/

  5. 1. A lot of the female players are lesbian.

    2. Very few can run worth beans.

    3. More set shots than jump shots.

    4. Very rarely are the games well played and exciting to watch. (And the men are these days? Nope.)

    5. When you grew up watching the likes of Elgin Baylor, Oscar Robertson, Bob Cousy and Bill Russell, you get spoiled forever.

  6. In Army basic training, women carried an 80# pack, men carried 100#. Women soldiers get paid the same as men. Why? In a fair world they would only be paid 80%.

  7. Womens soccer was popular in the 90’s. It was fun to watch. Mainly because the girls didn’t take stupid overly dramatic soccer ‘dives’ and pretend to be in agony. Plus, our girls, and the whole sport in general seemed like they were pretty normal people and good sports.

    Somehow women athletes of today seem like they expect that brief period of popularity (their decline was entirely self inflicted) was going to last forever, AND, would somehow transfer itself to all womens sports.

    As stated above, WNBA has no running game. Not like Pat Riley and the Lakers or whoever was coaching the Trailblazers and Detroit. That’s exciting. Happened a long time ago.

    Anyway, nobody likes watching entitled people play like crap. Nobody likes being lectured over entertainment. That’s all it is. These peoples entire lives are dedicated to this sport because… they get paid to entertain. Medals, awards, trophies…all of that has meaning to the ‘athlete’ but is meaningless to the audience.

    None of us care. Bitch too much and we change the channel. Because you’re failing to entertain.

  8. Portman is one of the worst professional pretenders out there. She must be connected. They keep pushing her as beautiful and talented and she’s neither. Not very smart either.
    WNBA are lead footed lesbians who are not fun to watch.
    Except for tennis and golf women’s professional sports are lame. They’re also the only sports where the women aren’t whining about supposed unequal treatment compared to men.

    On a side note, Griner brought weed into Russia knowing it was illegal and after bad mouthing the US is crying for the US to rescue her.

  9. What they say in the Hood:
    Dey Ugly!
    Dey Angry!
    Dey Shit!

    How he said it:
    They are unattractive, have too many tattoos & dress like shit.
    They have an adversarial attitude with everyone & alienate parents & fans.
    They are completely inelegant & athletically leagues below the men.

  10. 1, I don’t own a TV.
    2. I don’t like lesbians.

    I only needed 1 reason not to watch. Is that black lezzie still in prison in Russia for having weed? She pleaded guilty so I guess she’ll get 10 years. Those Russian women I understand are quite brutal in prison. Here’s a good read on what she can expect in women’s prison in Russia:

    The brutal treatment of women in Russian prisons


    No mo basketball for her…..it, them, whatever.

  11. I went to a small high school of less than 500 students. When we had basketball games, even girls basketball, the varsity games would usually fill the stands with at least 300 locals and visitors. That means my tiny high school had better attendance at their games than the WNBA.

  12. A most liberal couple at work took their 3 young daughters to a WNBA game. The vulgar, obnoxious dikes in the stands was more than they could tolerate. The liberal was whining to a group of us when one of the guys pointed out that this is how kids turn out after being raised in a liberal home. THAT was the beginning of the liberal couple’s turn around. No more liberal bumper stickers for them.

  13. Has nothing to do with who’s playing what, and everything to do with how many butts you put in seats, and how many concessions you sell those butts.
    Same goes for the pay structure, which is REALLY what all this is about.
    And no, no one wants to watch women’s women’s sports; too bitchy off the field!
    Of course, natalia is unaware of these issues.

  14. “Sir, … woman’s [sports] is like a dog’s walking on his hind legs. It is not done well; but you are surprised to find it done at all.”
    (stolen from Johnson)

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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