JEB: ‘I Embrace the Reduction of Carbon Emissions’ – IOTW Report

JEB: ‘I Embrace the Reduction of Carbon Emissions’

(Greenpeace Blogs) – At today’s Faith & Freedom Coalition event, “The Road to Majority,” Greenpeace asked presidential candidates about their reactions to Pope Francis’ call for solutions to climate change, as justified by science, faith and morality in his freshly-released encyclical on ecology, climate change and poverty.

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22 Comments on JEB: ‘I Embrace the Reduction of Carbon Emissions’

  1. I just love reading about the opinions of people who know jack shit about science, I mean not one fucking thing about rigorous fact determination, that want to tell me their opinion.

    It is by far my most accurate determination of fools. Idiots. Charlatans. Pretenders and chuckleheads. Worthless eaters.

    Don’t get me started, I’ll get nasty.

  2. He also wants to slow the growth of Government to 4% per quarter. He wasn’t specific on 4% of what. Maybe GDP Lol. I’m looking for a candidate that want to reduce government by 50% the first week their in office

  3. Fuck JEB we know who he is for long time now…
    What about that Pope? Look like it’s true after all.
    Jesuits are commies wearing robes.
    So fuck that Pope too. 😉

  4. 6(CO2) + 12(H2O) + Light -> C6H12O6 + 6(O2)+ 6(H2O)


    Hey JEB! It’s called “photosynthesis” you fucking stooge!

    Guess what happens if there ain’t enough CO2?

    The Whole Fucking World Dies.

    But, that’s probably the point of socialism, isn’t it?

  5. If this idiot wins the nomination it will be b/c of clowns like ben Carson and Donald trump and the lemmings who actually think they have a chance. Why oh why do we have people on the right who support trump, Carson, Santorum etc when we could actually get a Rand Paul or a Ted Cruz nominated?? This kills me

  6. Jebster will get the nod. The MSM is pulling out all the stops to support him right now. Lofo Republicans will dutifully flock to the polls to support the candidate the MSM loves. Then, states with open primaries will have all their democrats vote for Jeb. When the weak, vulnerable, and unelectable loser has the nomination sewed up, the MSM will turn on him. It worked with Bob Dole, McCainnedy, and Mitt.

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