Jesse Jackson: Obama should pardon Hillary Clinton – IOTW Report

Jesse Jackson: Obama should pardon Hillary Clinton


Speaking at President Gerald Ford’s alma mater, The Rev. Jesse Jackson called for President Obama to issue a blanket pardon to Hillary Clinton before he leaves office, just like Ford did for Richard Nixon.

Stopping short of saying Clinton did anything wrong, Jackson told a large crowd of University of Michigan students, faculty and administrators gathered at daylong celebration of his career that Obama should short-circuit President-elect Donald Trump’s promised attempt to prosecute Hillary Clinton for use of a private e-mail server.

“It would be a monumental moral mistake to pursue the indictment of Hillary Clinton,” Jackson said. He said issuing the pardon could help heal the nation, like Ford’s pardon of Nixon did.

“President Ford said we don’t need him for trophy. We need to move on. President Nixon wasn’t convicted of a crime. He didn’t apply for a pardon. (Ford) did it because he thought it would be best for the country.

“Hillary Clinton has not been tried, but there are those who want to drag her for the next three years. It will not stop until they find a reason to put her in jail. That would be a travesty.”


21 Comments on Jesse Jackson: Obama should pardon Hillary Clinton

  1. Yeah. OK. Dear Jesse Jackson, are you not an ordained minister? Rev, isn’t there something to admitting wrong and asking forgiveness? Hmmm, what has Hillary admitted to exactly: At this point what difference does it make? What comes first Rev, God or politics?

  2. Jackson doesn’t want his own crimes and corruptions looked into.
    Operation Push was a scam from the beginning – just like the Clinton Foundation.

    If the American people awaken to the grotesque corruptions of their political class, a true reaction might occur – and the corrupt want to bury the viewing of those corruptions as deeply as possible.

    “What corruption?”
    “What voter fraud?”

    Both parties profit from corruption and voter fraud, and neither party wants the full extent aired in public.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. That’s interesting! Isn’t she assured a pardon like he, himself, will get from OBAMA, his good buddy?

    Makes me wonder if the “good ole liberal boy’s club’ is going to tinkle on HRC, nice again. VERRRY INTERESTING!

  4. Please……please…..please…..

    0bama needs to pardon Hitlery Clintoon….

    then 0bama will have a historical legacy…..

    0bama would forever be known….

    As one of the people that destroyed the DEMocRAT Party..

  5. I have a different take on that, fat cheeks, I’m thinking the bitch should be apologizing to America for putting us through so many years of lies, deceit, hate and loss of life.
    Though I admit, such an apology would fall on deaf ears with me.

  6. No justice no peace.

    Justice must be blind. Hillary deserves her day in court. Hillary richly deserves her day in court. She should welcome her day in court.

    It’s the only way to vindicate her good name. Let the Discovery process begin.

    Discovery would be a beautiful thing.

  7. Great idea. And while Barki is piling up his “historicness’, he should pardon all “his” people for misdeeds done and unimagined, because the only low they haven’t stooped to is the one they haven’t dreamt up yet.

    Jessie, tools like you, make people stereotype niggers. You’re so predictably despicable.

  8. If it is not specifically stated what Hillary is being pardoned for then she should not be given a pardon. In other words, no formal acknowledgement of her crime, no pardon. Period. “Oh, just in case she may have done something wrong” is not a pardon.

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