Jill Stein: The Bernie Alternative – IOTW Report

Jill Stein: The Bernie Alternative

In an attempt to pick up disaffected Bernie voters, the Green Party’s candidate for president, Jill Stein is working the streets outside the DNC conference this week.

 Be sure to make any Bernie voters you know aware that Jill Stein could use their vote come November.


For a liberal, Stein is like putting together the best features of Hillary and Bernie.  She has Bernie’s socialist politics and Hillary’s gender.

12 Comments on Jill Stein: The Bernie Alternative

  1. If you listened to Bernie’s speech yesterday, you should be very concerned about the direction of the Democrat party. In particular, Bernie said he wants increased government power to control znd deal with climate change. That should scare the hell out of anyone who believes in any level of personal freedom, and increased government power to control climate change will probably eliminate any concept of private property rights that may still exist.

    Communists like Sanders and Stein have been searching for an issue which would justify complete government control for many years now. But regardless of their underlying reasons, both are stauch communists, and like a couple of members of the Supreme Court hate our constitutional freedoms. If the emergence of ISIS has any upside, it is in the fact that terrorism committed by lunatic sadists has bumped climate change from first priority and so far minimized the damage from that policy.

    Sanders kept hammering his theme that his policies are “for the people” and particularly for the workers. All dictators claim to be working for the people and for the workers, and this had worked so well for the Soviet Union, China, North Korea, Cuba, etc. etc. This is perverse political pornography – “for the people” really means getting the government out of the way, not controlling the lives of ordinary citizens according to the ruling class whims.

  2. How does one “cancel” debt?

    Do these “people” think? Is it possible?

    You can’t “cancel” debt – you can only shove it off on some unsuspecting moron.

    Except that these imbeciles aren’t unsuspecting morons – they actually seem to believe their bullshit.

    Crimanently – we’re so fucking fucked! These idiots VOTE!

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Worst thing that congress ever did was to give 18yo the right to vote. They used viet nam to pull it off.

    Why should a draftee have to die for his country if he can’t even vote?

    Devious cocksuckers snuck chicks under the wire who were given the right to vote under the murderous Woodrow Wilson.

    We’ve been played.

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