Job growth in May worst in 5 years – IOTW Report

Job growth in May worst in 5 years

AT: President Obama was on the campaign trail on Wednesday in Elkhart, Indiana, bragging about how well the economy is doing and criticizing Republicans for their refusal to accept what a great job he was doing.


Without mentioning any presidential candidates by name — Democrat or Republican — Obama lambasted what he said were economic myths peddled by the GOP, insisting any clear-eyed assessment shows the country better off now then when he took office.

Speaking in Elkhart, Indiana, a city he frequented at the beginning of his term as he worked to stave off an economic depression, Obama listed every major economic achievement of his presidency, from expanding overtime rules to tightening regulations on big banks.

Amazing what he considers “economic achievements.”  Overregulation and a burden on small businesses?  Sheesh.

And as far as things being better off than when he took office, he didn’t mention he made things worse before they got better.

The unemployment report for May is an absolute disaster.  “Unexpectedly,” after economists predicted that 164,000 new jobs would be created, only 38,000 nrew jobs were counted.  While the “official” unemployment rate dropped to 4.7%, the reason for the drop was familiar: more people became discouraged about looking for work and dropped out of the labor force entirely.  In fact, that broader measure of joblessness was more than twice the “official” rate: 9.7%.  MORE

10 Comments on Job growth in May worst in 5 years


    Woo Boy, these government guys are such a hoot aren’t? We need ~250,000 new jobs PER MONTH just to stay even. So 38K jobs(most of which are part time, service sector jobs) created still leaves over 200,000 people in MAY ALONE that couldn’t(or wouldn’t) find work.

    But AMAZINGLY!!!!! unemployment went done! How do they do that? Oh wait, they totally disregard the Labor Participation Rate, the lowest in what? 50 years? Sorry, my bad.

    Obama/Jarrett though just soldier on. What troopers they are! Golly Gee, where would we be without them and their…vision?

    In other news, Michelle is tossing & turning because every night, she has to go home to a house BUILT BY SLAVES. The Humanity!

    It’s like a comedy show thats not funny.

  2. Lemme show you how to hide the truth:

    Let’s say that last year 100 people lost their jobs in a small town. One year later, not only are those 100 people still without jobs, 300 more people lose theirs. Unemployment has, in one year, increased 300%.

    But the town council reports that only 25% of those currently without jobs were unemployed a year ago.

    “…Lies, damned lies, and statistics.” – Mark Twain

  3. It’s not like anyone who works in government, ANY level of government (and gets paid generously) is going to do anything about it.

  4. What group of fiscal conservatives got together with the communist socialists to allow not only a safety net of varying degree, dictated depending which way the wind blows (99 weeks ring a bell?), but to also tie the yardstick of success to only those who are sucking from the safety net? I want to know what exactly the conservatives got out of that deal because it must have been a sweetheart. I’m kidding, of course conservatives got nothing from the deal, we get fucked at every turn.

  5. The facts aren’t important – only the narrative.

    And you fuckin lumpenproles will do as you’re told, and vote as you’re told, if you know what’s good for you (or if you want to live)!

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