Joe Biden has reportedly been giving intel to Chinese Communist Party for months – IOTW Report

Joe Biden has reportedly been giving intel to Chinese Communist Party for months

Biden Handed over Intelligence to China on Ukraine, China Gave It to Russia

Neon Nettle

Democrat Joe Biden has reportedly been handing U.S. intelligence to China regarding Russia’s plans to invade Ukraine, which the Chinese Communist Party has been giving straight to Vladimir Putin, according to reports.

Biden’s administration has been turning over intel on Ukraine to Communist China for months, The New York Times is reporting.

Admin officials hoped to attempt to get China to convince Russia to not invade, according to the Times.

However, the plan backfired after it emerged the Chinese regime has been funneling the intel to Russia to aid with their invasion.

“Over three months, senior Biden administration officials held half a dozen urgent meetings with top Chinese officials in which the Americans presented intelligence showing Russia’s troop buildup around Ukraine and beseeched the Chinese to tell Russia not to invade,” the Times reported.

“Each time, the Chinese officials, including the foreign minister and the ambassador to the United States, rebuffed the Americans, saying they did not think an invasion was in the works.” more

20 Comments on Joe Biden has reportedly been giving intel to Chinese Communist Party for months

  1. Of course he has. He’s the dumbest, demented person to ever occupy the Executive Office, and he has surrounded himself with the biggest collection of stupid people to somehow reach Peak Stupidity in just 402 days.

  2. Thousands left behind and most likely killed in Afghanistan. Thousands more died (killed) because of vaccine mismanagement and collusion with big pharma’s lies. Now thousands of lives sacrificed to Russian communist aggression and Biden helped make it so. There will be a special place in Hell for Joe Biden and family.

  3. Of course he did. He owes them bigly. “Couple of nice legs you got there.
    Be a shame if something happened to them”. I hope all his teeth fall out but one and hope that one becomes infected and impacted.

  4. And if the Repubes we’re in power you think they would do anything about it? 🤔

    Bluster and foam at the mouth is about all they do, sure they’ll threaten investigations but won’t do jack.🤬

  5. Honestly, If I was that incompetent at anything I hope that I would have the self respect to hang myself.

    But not Fuckin Joe!

    He will pass this earth of natural causes having no recollection of being the biggest Jackass to ever sit in the oval office, including any visitors.

  6. Remember, if the NYT publishes it, it is most likely another lie.

    The whole thing is preposterous. We ask country #1 to intervene on our behalf (?) with country #2 to stop an invasion of country #3 when we already have an ambassador in country #2’s capital who is supposed to speak for and represent the US. It would be that person’s job to talk to the Russians and try to diffuse the situation.

    I think this can be framed as another opportunity to fool the public into thinking our government has tried everything to avert war. BS. We haven’t done anything to avert war or seriously help Ukraine. And won’t.

    So far, the only force we have in the Russia-Ukraine war is the US liberal media – government lapdogs. That’s all. Maybe they can throw their lapdog laptops at Russian tanks and run like hell the other way, like the gutless chickens they are.

    The war was planned and is being stage managed with all 3 superpowers conniving with each other.

  7. This is just one way the amateur-simpleton-terrorist Joe Biden has engineered and promoted the invasion along with NATO members, global elite cabal, and the democrat party with their co-conspirators. Anything and everything this failed Biden says or does since he’s been peeing his drawers in the Peoples’ White House has been perverted to benefit himself and accomplices. Same as the covid scenario and Biden’s urging the Trudeau Terrorist and others to engage “federal emergency” which empowered these terrorists to hold their citizenry as hostages and pawns. Add the fact that Terrorist and Race Supremacist Joe Biden and corporate media accomplices are also attempting distractions from his widespread failures and mishandling of the US….as he flees to his Delaware cubbyhole. HIDIN’ BIDEN.

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