Johnny Rotten Sports MAGA Shirt – Clueless Media Displays Their Ignorance – IOTW Report

Johnny Rotten Sports MAGA Shirt – Clueless Media Displays Their Ignorance

The stupid media tries to portray John Lydon as growing soft, “leaving his hell-raising days.”

Hey dum dums, punk rock was always anti-totalitarian government. Why would they ever embrace the left? Well, the low IQ ones would, but Lydon has never been low IQ.

Conservatives are the counter-culture to the globalist elites, the socialists, the MSM, big government and the controlling class.

Anarchy in the UK was about smashing government control. It was about freedom. Of course punk rockers, the intelligent ones, would support Trump.


18 Comments on Johnny Rotten Sports MAGA Shirt – Clueless Media Displays Their Ignorance


    She was a girl from Birmingham
    She just had an abortion
    She was a case of insanity
    Her name was Pauline she lived in a tree

    She was a no-one who killed her baby
    She sent her letters from the country
    She was an animal
    She was a bloody disgrace

    Body I’m not an animal
    Body I’m not an animal

    Dragged on a table in a factory
    Illegitimate place to be
    In a packet in a lavatory
    Die little baby screaming

    Body screaming fucking bloody mess
    Not an animal it’s an abortion

    Body I’m not an animal
    Mummy I’m an abortion

    Throbbing squirm, gurgling bloody mess
    I’m not a discharge
    I’m not a loss in protein
    I’m not a throbbing squirm

    Ah! Fuck this and fuck that
    Fuck it all tha fuck out of the fucking brat
    She don’t wanna a baby that looks like that
    I don’t wanna a baby that looks like that.

    Body I’m not an animal
    Body, an abortion

    Body I’m not an animal
    Body I’m not an animal
    An animal
    I’m not an animal
    I’m not an animal, an animal, an-an-an animal
    I’m not a body
    I’m not an animal, an animal, an-an-an animal
    I’m not an animal
    Mummy! Ugh!

  2. A lot of people have this notion that Punk sprang up in 1980 as a reaction against Reagan and Thatcher. Punk was spawned years earlier by the hatred of the smothering socialist dystopia Britain was becoming.

  3. Johnny Lydon is being completely consistent with his punk past. Ever notice how the phrase “f#*k off” was in so many punk songs, written on clothes worn by punks, etc.? It’s what you say to anyone who gets in your space, who tries to manipulate and control your life. I can’t think of two words that contain the essence of conservatism more than those two.

    Fur is spot on about him not being low IQ. Watch “The Filth & The Fury” and you’ll hear a clever and very funny guy. Sid Vicious? There was a total idiot.

  4. HippieCritic, I remember when the Sex Pistols came to Atlanta in 1977 on their one and only US tour.

    And this from Wiki…

    “In August 1975, Rhodes spotted nineteen-year-old Kings Road habitué John Lydon wearing a Pink Floyd T-shirt with the words I Hate handwritten above the band’s name and holes scratched through the eyes.”

    Quite the tee shirt troll. I stand in awe of a man before his time. How can anyone pigeonhole him on the left?

  5. the King is gone but not forgotten
    this is the story of Johnny Rotten
    it’s better to burn out than fade away
    Rock-n-Roll is here to stay

    … some drug-addled Canuck

  6. He sang about HRC and BHO

    Lie lie lie lie liar you lie lie lie lie
    Tell me why tell me why
    Why d’you have to lie
    Should’ve realised that you
    Should’ve told the truth
    Should’ve realised
    You know what I’ll do

    You’re in suspension
    You’re a liar

    Now I wanna know
    Now I wanna know
    Why you never look me in the face
    Broke a confidence just to please your ego
    Should’ve realised
    You know what I know

    You’re in suspension
    You’re a liar

    I know where you go everybody you know
    I know everything that you do or say
    So when you tell lies I’ll always be in your way
    I’m nobody’s fool and I know all
    ‘Cos I know what I know

    You’re in suspension
    You’re a liar
    You’re a liar
    You’re a liar
    Lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie

    Lie lie lie lie liar you lie lie lie lie
    I think you’re funny, you’re funny ha ha
    I don’t need it don’t need your blah blah
    Should’ve realised I know what you are
    You’re in suspension
    You’re in suspension
    You’re in suspension
    You’re a liar
    You’re a liar
    You’re a liar
    Lie lie


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