Judge in the crosshairs of SJWs for likening today’s black on black violence as similar to KKK violence – IOTW Report

Judge in the crosshairs of SJWs for likening today’s black on black violence as similar to KKK violence


 It’s not the first time this Tennessee judge has likened black-on-black crime to KKK violence, reports the Clarksville Leaf Chronicle, but it’s certainly the most publicized. In a Thursday hearing in the case of Vincent Bryan Merriweather, Montgomery County Judge Wayne Shelton exclaimed that he’s “sick of it,” with it being the disregard he continually sees for human life, particularly when it comes to young black men shooting at each other for flimsy reasons. The impassioned lines (listen to them here) getting wide coverage: “I grew up in a time where people wore white robes and they shot at black people. And now we see young black men wearing black hoodies shooting at black men—and doing much more effective job than the Klan ever thought about doing.”

Merriweather is accused of the Nov. 19 murder of Antorius Gallion, who was shot in the head while driving. Both men were in cars with others at the time; the two groups’ beef with one another allegedly began at a middle school basketball game, when two men’s feet touched in the stands, triggering an eventual argument. Shelton, for his part, emphasized that he’s been preaching that “Black Lives Matter” for years. Some on social media are branding his comments “racist”; others took issue with Shelton’s implication that the KKK is a thing wholly of the past.


5 Comments on Judge in the crosshairs of SJWs for likening today’s black on black violence as similar to KKK violence

  1. “…others took issue with Shelton’s implication that the KKK is a thing wholly of the past”

    …they’re right, it’s still around, and still wrecking Black lives at every opportunity any way it can.

    It just goes by the initials “DNC” now, instead…

  2. Negroes kill more negroes EVERY SINGLE YEAR than did the KKK in its ENTIRE HISTORY.
    Honesty is never the goal.
    Race hatred is the goal.
    Political manipulation is the result.
    (just don’t mention it to the negroes)

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Judge should save his editorializing for that blog post he’s been working on.

    His effort to “white knight” his deep, abiding concern for the black community killing itself gave them the rope to lynch him.

    I’d ask if he learned anything but most judges knew it all before they got their robes.

    Good luck, Colonel Sanders.


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