Judicial Watch Seeking FBI Dossier Info – IOTW Report

Judicial Watch Seeking FBI Dossier Info

OANN: As the world awaits the highly-anticipated release of Robert Mueller’s report, critics of the investigations are looking to get to the bottom of its inception.

Conservative watchdog group filed a lawsuit Tuesday against the FBI in an effort to pierce the veil of the resources used in the $25 million probe.

Specifically, the organization is looking to obtain all communications and payments made to the author of the anti-Trump dossier — Christopher Steele.

The former British intelligence officer was funded by the Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee in order to compile his 35 page document.

Judicial Watch is now trying to determine the FBI’s involvement.

It’s already known that the FBI made 11 payments to Steele, but the details behind those payments were heavily redacted.

Conservatives suspect rogue actors at the bureau were looking to reverse the results of the 2016 election, which is something Attorney General William Barr said he’s looking into.

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3 Comments on Judicial Watch Seeking FBI Dossier Info

  1. Tom Fitton and Judicial Watch are performing miracles on behalf of our Nation, holding the Swamp to account for their corrupt actions. That’s why I donate $1 Hundy to them every year.

  2. As much good stuff as JW does, I like FREEDOM WATCH a tad more; their head FOUNDED Judicial Watch…and JW’s muscle-man leader seems to be making JW the next SPLC…in the sense that it’s mostly a promotional FUNDRAISING organization (yes, they FOIA alot and do good work).


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