Jury Finds For Mann in Defamation Case – IOTW Report

Jury Finds For Mann in Defamation Case


A jury on Thursday awarded $1 million to climate scientist Michael Mann who sued a pair of conservative writers 12 years ago after they compared his depictions of global warming to a convicted child molester.

Mann, a professor of climate science at the University of Pennsylvania, rose to fame for a graph first published in 1998 in the journal Nature that was dubbed the “hockey stick” for its dramatic illustration of a warming planet.

The work brought Mann wide exposure but also many skeptics, including the two writers Mann took to court for comments that he said affected his career and reputation in the U.S. and internationally.

“It feels great,” Mann said Thursday after the six-person jury delivered its verdict. ”It’s a good day for us, it’s a good day for science.” More

19 Comments on Jury Finds For Mann in Defamation Case

  1. A good day for “science” is rarely, if ever, a good day for science. It impresses me that this asshole started with a preferred conclusion and the effort was designed to backfill the “research.”

  2. They can’t come up with any of the ORIGINAL data that they used for their ‘warming’ consensus, all that’s left is the ‘corrected’ data. Yeah, sounds like stience to me.

  3. It’s no longer legal to debate the idols that the left sets up as “statuous” upon and above the traditional idea of science.

    And when I say “traditional idea of science” I’m not kidding that true science and logic has gone the way of politics.

  4. The “Rule of Law” is dead.

    Picked “Judge.”
    Picked jury – morons, all – probably voted for Fetterman.
    I hope the shysters take most of the money.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Technically, Mann “won” $1 in compensatory damages and $1mm in punitive damages. The minimum amount of compensatory damages means that Mann was unable to prove any concrete damage as a result of the alleged defamation.

    Undoubtably Steyn will appeal, and my guess is that an appellate court will greatly reduce the punitive damages (assuming that they do not throw out the verdict altogether). $1mm in punitive damages bears no real rational relationship to the actual, compensatory damage that Mann was awarded. Furthermore, Steyn’s co-defendant was only assessed $1,000 in punitive damages – again, a great disparity.

    Punitive damages are primarily subjective, but there are principles governing punitive damages designed to prevent results like this.

  6. Michael Mann’s “data” has been exposed as the complete fraud it is by actual scientists who illustrated the contortive and fallacious methods that required the efforts of willing collaborators to generate. The emails where this falsification was generated are public domain. Michael Mann is a climate activist, not a scientist.

  7. The left have been idol worshiping for decades.

    1) Old Earth (billions of years) instead of Creation, 2) Evolution, and 3) Climate Change (and all the names they tried before settling on one that encompasses them all).

    They created their own god, science (fake, not real science) to rule them all.

  8. This ‘genie” can never be put back in the bottle. We can NEVER trust any court in America. This never happened in US history. Even during and after the Civil War, this kind of corruption wasn’t tolerated. It really is over for “America”. That country does not exist anymore. What does is a literal mafia.


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