Before NOKO announced they weren’t going to try and bomb Guam, One Of Our Readers Sees This – IOTW Report

Before NOKO announced they weren’t going to try and bomb Guam, One Of Our Readers Sees This

Not many people know this, but Reboot lives in Guam.

He looked out the window and saw this—>

Pretty frightening considering the news lately.


22 Comments on Before NOKO announced they weren’t going to try and bomb Guam, One Of Our Readers Sees This

  1. One’s logical mind would process it for what it is but my emotional side would be running around like Chicken Little! Praying for your safety Reboot and hoping the Little Fat Kid behaves.

  2. That’s steam escaping just before the island tips over.

    It must be true, it’s in the Congressional Record. 😀

    Stay safe reboot. I think we’re all infinitely safer with President Trump as CinC.

    “Fire and fury like the world has never seen”.
    Imagine the unhappy translator who had to convey that one to Kim.

  3. 🎱 China’s Rule: 🎱

    If North Korea tries to NUKE YOU, we will not come to their defense.

    If you try to stop North Korea from gaining NUKES to NUKE you later, we will come to their defense.

    Wow. I feel better don’t you?

  4. Alright. Who is responsible for the twisted sense of humor display? God or Mothernature ?

    @Annie Girl.. It’s been forty years since I’ve been on Guam. I recall it being quite pretty. Hotter and more humid than Oahu. I’d love to revisit the island even if restricted to see one thing — to see the activities connected with building and sailing Micronesian proa canoes. Probably the fastest sailboats seen by Magellan and other later explorers at first contact, called flying proas. The canoes of Oceania have been a topic I’ve read about ever since leaving the Pacific. On Guam they were mostly refined to do one thing. Sail back and forth to Saipan as fast as possible.

  5. So, this view is from a road adjoining my yard that is higher than my yard. Facing east, about 1730 at night while I was out brushcutting the jungle out of my yard. I live in the middle of the island, just inland of the airport and on a valley wall. I felt the temperature drop about 10 degrees and looked up and saw that as it was backlit. So I went and grabbed the I-7+ and snapped about 10. This was the best one.

    We are moving into the typhoon season so we get weird micro storms, lighting formations, funnel formations and rain squalls like that pictured. The actual global cooling has done us good for the last 14 years as no serious storm have hit us.

    We are about like Panama City for heat and weather. Burn yer ass hot at about 12 degrees north, and average humidity of 85-90 percent. HOT.

    While I’ve no commercial affiliation with travel, I’ve been known to send island and Christmas things to people who send me money.

    Sir Fur get’s his own box, cuz I’m white like that…..

    And the food here is fantastiche!!!!!!!!

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