Kamala Harris Was Montel Williams’ Side Piece – IOTW Report

Kamala Harris Was Montel Williams’ Side Piece

24 Comments on Kamala Harris Was Montel Williams’ Side Piece

  1. Everything is an economic calculation to progs. They all knew what she is, the only negations were over how much the taxpayers were going to end up paying for it.

  2. “now everyone knows who she is”
    and everyone knows what she does

    think she’s put the moves on klaus schwab?
    that would certainly herald the end of the world

  3. …you don’t seem to realize how dangerous this particular woman REALLY is.

    Just THINK about how many currently geriatric Democrats could be cloned and returned in the flower of youth to oppress us anew, just from the DNA library stored in her cheeks!

  4. I know a pol named Frisco Willie
    He had a side piece
    And humped her silly
    She did the bob and the yank
    And the spread Hindu
    And she gave some crazy
    Kam Jive, too

    Nana, Nana looka at Uncle Joe
    He’s doing the tub jive
    With grand niece, Flo
    Grandma Jill gives her
    One thin dime
    Says “Keep this hushed up”
    “One more time”

    Kam Jive
    Kam Jive
    Kam Jive
    Doin that crazy Kam Jive

  5. Toenex, a piece of trash.

    Just how horny DO you have to be to hit that? My best guess if just getting released from prison after doin 10 to 20 for armed robbery.


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