Kerry and Cortez should get a room – IOTW Report

Kerry and Cortez should get a room

PR: For some inexplicable reason, the House Oversight Committee invited John Kerry to testify about Climate Change.

You’d think they’d want to hear from actual scientists, not a gold-digging has-been like Kerry.

But hey, if a bartender with an IQ of a cocktail umbrella can be an expert on Climate Change why not a guy who, by the way, served in Vietnam?

Naturally, the lumbering buffoon hearts AOC.

What do you expect? This is the same lumbering buffoon who gushed over the mullahs in Iran. Of course he has nothing but high praise for the code-switching, clap-backing Twitterlebrity.

And she’s honor and humbled.  more

12 Comments on Kerry and Cortez should get a room

  1. They don’t need a room, just a horse stall. Kerry can be the “Horse’s Head”, since AOC is already the “Horse’s Ass” due to the crap that flows from that mouth.

  2. AOC” Da economy is good ’cause everybody ha TWOJOBS.”
    Viet Vet Kerry. “The economy is good be cause I married an ugly woman whose father was a billionaire.” I’m lucky because I’m pretty phucking ugly myself.”

    Phuck these people!

  3. No. The children would be soulless, brainless, heartless abominations unto God that would instictvely try to kill us out of pain and inchoate rage.

    Not worth the LOLs.


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