Koch Brothers To Intervene In 2020 Primary – IOTW Report

Koch Brothers To Intervene In 2020 Primary

CTH: They’re Ba-aack: Big Club Koch Brothers Announce Primary Efforts Against MAGA Candidates

Well, we cannot say we have not seen this Decepticon maneuver before.  The open-border, pro-amnesty, globalist Koch Brothers have announced, yet again, they will take action in the 2020 primary races to remove any/all nationalist-minded blue-collar populist (MAGA) candidates…. in an effort, once again, to install their Wall Street globalist crew.

This is where the Koch Brothers join in common cause with Tom Donohue and Mitch McConnell. The Big Club is nothing if not entirely predictable:

OXON HILL, Md.  The Koch political network for the first time plans to intervene in GOP primaries as part of a deliberate 2020 strategy to reverse years of essentially rubber-stamping the Republican Party in general elections.

Unhappy with Republicans and Trump on issues ranging from trade, to immigration, to deficits and debt, the Koch groups are scaling back their support for the GOP out of concern that they had become an organ of the party. Phillips said the network still plans to make a substantial investment in federal and state campaigns over the next two years. (read more)

The UniParty outline here is one of the political dynamics CTH has discussed for over a decade.  At its core elements the issue is Wall Street -vs- Main Street.   Each time the CoC and/or Koch’s start to realize Main Street is a threat to their multinational financial objectives, they pour money into defeating Main Street candidates. It really is that simple.  more

18 Comments on Koch Brothers To Intervene In 2020 Primary

  1. Looking so forward to 2020!
    My take is a greater take down on more money than brains mentally ill ass hats like this to be told by real US citizens to F’off.
    MEGA 2016, really you ignored it.
    Just wait you idiots!
    and keep throwing your inherit it cash at!

  2. Great article by Pat Buchanan in today’s Newsmax: “American Century May be Over”
    Mueller is wrapping up his which hunt but Naddler, Schiff et al are just lining up with more Presidential Harrassment.
    Pray for our President!

  3. I’ve been arguing with people for years that these guys were not the people we needed as allies. Didn’t expect they themselves to prove me right.

  4. It used to be that billionaires could make the peasants kneel by threatening to call them “racists”. Maybe we’ve finally reached the point where 50%+1 primary voters won’t care what they’re called when billionaires’ primary shills are killed and the peasants just roll their eyes.


    The only diff is that globalist Koch support libs named Bush/McCartyy; Soros funds libs named Obama/Clinton.

    I agree with what Bill said 600 years ago. “a lib by any other name would hurt America the same.” OK I changed a word or 2!

  6. Then take a page from AOC’s playbook and start hitting the pavement, knocking on doors, stuff mailers, have the candidates speak wherever they can be it a school auditorium or a VFW Hall, have open townhall meetings where they can challenge and attack the candidate slate that the Krock Brothers and their ilk have put together. AOC didn’t win because she’s a brilliant person she won because (at least back then) she and her followers were on a crusade. She may be as dumb as a post but we can still learn from her.

  7. I know dozens of people who work in the various Koch enterprises but that does not keep me from hoping their evil plan and businesses fail.

  8. @scr_north March 3, 2019 at 7:01 pm

    > Then take a page from AOC’s playbook and start hitting the pavement, knocking on doors, stuff mailers,

    Not a remotely bad plan. Just one chicken and egg (so old it’s more like dinosaur and egg) problem: Getting enough names on a nominating petition is easy for someone in a blue hole, like a college. It’s not even that hard if you hire a few people to sit outside (with civic minded management, inside) a heavily trafficked area. It’s a bit more time (hourly rate) consuming to just go door to door. It’s still not hard (compared to an actual campaign). But, if you can get the signatures, you need a lawyer (with some degree of expertise) to keep the incumbent from simply bouncing you off the ballot (before and after having the petitions signed). If you’re going to campaign, you need to pay the printer for door hangers. Or the printer, and the post office, and the bulk mail company (for the address list), to mail to voters’ addresses. People to call the voters, at home? They might work for free. But the phone company (and the organization that will be providing the phone numbers) will expect cash money.

    Depending on where you are, you’re looking to burn a car (rarely “used”, only “luxury” in urban areas), to a house, in costs. That is, if you’re not hoping for “Anyone but the incumbent” to put you over the top. Few people can afford to do a credible campaign, every time. Few (many, many times fewer) of those that can afford such multiple campaigns, have anything different to say than the incumbent. (It’s way easier, and cheaper, to just show up at the incumbent’s fund raisers, and make an appointment to meet at the office, for a chat.) How many people are interested in putting together a “war chest”, and then looking for someone willing to run? The Party only backs what The Party likes.

  9. The Krotch Bro’s,
    So glad someone else said it first!
    Soros is the eternally festively non-deserving POS of antibiotic and oxygen that continues to walk on our green side of the grass.
    ‘dozens of people’ that without would make it an entirely New World..
    Single case in point,,if only when Hillary and Chelsea were
    ducking those lied about rounds a couple hit?

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