Kroger offering $1M cash prize, free groceries for a year to get vaccinated – IOTW Report

Kroger offering $1M cash prize, free groceries for a year to get vaccinated


Kroger is offering Americans who get vaccinated at its clinic and pharmacy locations a chance to win a $1 million cash prize and free groceries for a year. 

The move is part of the Cincinnati-based grocery chain’s #CommunityImmunity giveaway campaign, which aims to help the Biden administration inoculate 70% of Americans with at least one COVID-19 vaccine dose by July 4.

“The faster we reach community immunity, the sooner we can all get back to enjoying backyard barbecues, live music and gathering for special occasions,” Kroger chairman and CEO Rodney McMullen said in a statement. “We greatly appreciate President Joe Biden’s leadership and partnership with the private sector to increase vaccinations among the U.S. population, especially people of color and individuals under age 30. As an employer, grocery provider and community partner, the #CommunityImmunity giveaway is another way we are doing our part to help America recover from the public health crisis and safely return to normal.” more here

25 Comments on Kroger offering $1M cash prize, free groceries for a year to get vaccinated

  1. …yep. the unvaccinated and already accustomed to tyranny replacement population continues to pour across the border daily, so time to get the current residents of the US out of the way.

    And it’s so much easier if we VOULENTEER for sterilization and WILLINGLY accept the injection of the first half of their binary weapon, saves them the trouble of having to herd us to the boxcars if we beg THEM to “take the shower”…

  2. Just dancing’ and prancing’ our way to “community immunity” huh.

    I kind of always liked the idea that America offered us “community unity and life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”

    Now the American ideal is “community immunity?”. Yep the communist manifesto from 50 years ago has won.

    THINK about you morons out there.

  3. I don’t buy groceries from Fred Meyer which is a subsidiary of Krogers’s. I shop at Winco instead which is an employee owned company and has cheaper prices than Fred Meyer does. There is no way I would accept their offer that I could win a million dollars and free groceries for a year if I were to get vaccinated against the chink flu. I value my freedom and my health and don’t need to be bribed in order to be a sheeple and get the jab that I probably don’t need in the first place. I haven’t got Covid yet and my chances are that I won’t get it all now that all the brouhaha about it are winding down and we’re finally getting back to some sense of normal. Sorry Kroger/Fred Meyer I’m not taking you up on your bribe now or ever. Good luck with the suckers who want free shit and don’t care how they get it.

  4. With my luck, I’d enjoy the cool million and free groceries for a year with three new heads coupled with a new vagina after I get vaccinated.

  5. Phase 2 incentives before they full implement Phase 3 Private Sector Punishments. Just wait to see what the next phases may be but they likely won’t be very pleasant.

  6. “free groceries for a year”
    And I’m sure there are limits to the ‘free’.
    No expensive meats, seafood, cheeses, cigarettes, liquor, nothing from the pharmacy… But you can have as much perishable items as you’d like. Like our bread and pastries that are going to expire in 4 days.

  7. “But you can have as much perishable items as you’d like. Like our bread and pastries that are going to expire in 4 days.”

    If some of them live that long.

  8. Note to Kroger:
    Back a REAL investigation (and revelation) of the fake election of Mr Potatohead, and then we’ll talk.

    If I made my medical decisions because a grocery is bribing me, I’d have to wear the “I’m with stupid” t-shirt that has the arrow pointing up to my face.


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